Miss Murder (Wednesday Addams)

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From: Netflix's Wednesday (Spoilers for the season finale btw)

Song: Miss Murder by AFI

Art: Nem_ Graphics on Twitter!

Let's go!



A term anyone in the world would associate with joy, rest, a break from the dullness of the daily duties  

But not Wednesday Addams

Especially not after such an... interesting time at Nevermore Academy 

But now, she was back at the familiar sight of the dead forest that surrounded her family's residence, with the cold air hitting her pale skin without mercy, as a way to welcome her back home. Thing wasted no time in making himself comfortable

As pleased as she was to have fixed her relationship with his family, Wednesday couldn't stand her parents' incessant display of affection. It proved suffocating, and not the way she enjoyed suffocating

 Which is why she was deep into the forest. The leaves crunched like bugs under her every step as the gray skies blessed her path with a distinct lack of vibrant colors

The cawing of a particular crow caught her attention, soon joined by another, and yet another. She followed the trail until she found what she came for, or rather, who

Waiting for her on a tree with his legs dangling off playfully, was the witch she had known ever since she was a child

Wednesday: As punctual as ever, I see

You: Good to see you too, killer

With a smirk, you jumped off, landing in front of her. The goth, however, just nodded at you

You: I read the copy you sent me. How's Viper de la Muerte doing?

Wednesday: Briefly feeling the satisfaction of solving a case only to be met with an ever bigger puzzle than previously anticipated

She gestured for you to follow her deeper into the forest, like a murderer luring prey, and of course, you complied

You: Interesting, but...

She looked at you from the corner of her eye

You: It's not really a work of fiction anymore, is it?

This made the girl shake her head

Wednesday: I admit, it became a sort of journal shortly after my arrival

The crows watched your every step and proceeded to fly closer when you were out of view

You: So I've heard. Sorry I couldn't be there for you, I was dealing with some witch hunters myself

She clenched her fists at the mention of such a thing, questioning the definition of a monster while you rubbed your still-sore wrists

Wednesday: I expect a vial with their blood 

You: Already in your room

The girl smiled ever so slightly at the thoughtfulness, but this faint expression faded just as quick

Wednesday: However, we both know you were at Nevermore Academy 

You raised a brow at this statement, but Wednesday's attention shifted to the crows that followed, recalling all the times she saw them at her school

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