Nobody Deserves Her

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Summary: They knew the Villainess wasn't evil and the Heroine was in the wrong. Although, only one of them truly felt like she deserved better.

Requested by: @Blue_Ryuu17

Villainess: Mercella Mercer, a self established mean girl with a heart of gold.

Heroine: Alessa Drew, the golden girl who sees the worse in everyone, but disguises criticism in compliments.

Male Lead: Virgo, the son of the most powerful wizard in history.

Reincarnator: Quinn, a dragon familiar that is bonded to Virgo, but wants a happier ending for Mercella.

Greetings mortals, I am Quinn!

That's the name that my boss gave me when he made the contract, but that's not important!

Once upon a time, not so long ago, I was a young lady who read a terrible book! Ugh, the typical storyline of a wronged girl cast away by society, the main girl who gets what she wants, and the stubborn male lead who refused to change himself.

Mercella Mercer was a child of the God of Light and the Goddess of Darkness. However, to gain access to the Heavenly Realm, she had to spend her days around the mortals and learn light magic along with dark ones. Problem was, dark magic was outlawed by the so-called church and anyone caught learning or teaching said magic would be burned at the stake. Our girl was not deterred since she got placed in the most prestigious school in the land. This was where she would meet our main man....and the woman.

Alessa Drew was raised in the Church of the Light God and was brainwashed to believe everything they told her. Since they believe her to be the incarnation of the daughter of light, she was pampered, spoiled, and trained to ascend into the Heavenly Realm to bring light back to the world. So, in case you haven't been paying attention, she's destined for great things. Because of this influence and affluence, she subtly bullies Mercella and plays the victim whenever she gets caught. This caused many to isolate Mercella and help Alessa take to becoming the Grand High Witch.

Then there's my boss, Virgo the upcoming Grand High Wizard. In this world, to symbolize the balance between man and woman, the people choose a witch and wizard of great power to restore the light and bring a new age of peace to the world. Virgo was raised by the former Grand High Witch and taught to discern good from evil. He learned both light and dark magic to get his throne. However, due to his immense magic power and sheltered life, he never leveled up his discernment. When he made it to the academy, he saw Alessa and Mercella as his rivals. Due to Alessa's manipulative nature, he helped her to stop Mercella from ever getting followers and found out that she was learning dark magic. This caused him to rat her out in front of the whole graduating class and got her burned alive.

I was so floored by this hypocrisy since he was raised to be taught dark magic too!

Towards the end of the book, Virgo and Alessa get named the top of their class and prepare to take over the Heavenly Realm. However, due to the death of their daughter, the two Heavenly Beings locked them out of the realm and never again made contact with the humans. The story ends on a tragic note as humanity is left to suffer for the actions against Mercella.

Well...not this time!

This time I will stop the end of extinction and save my favorite character from her untimely demise!

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