Chapter Eleven

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The Beast sat at the top of the stairs in front of the oak doors again.

She couldn't conceal her surprise when she noticed the replaced cracked steps and the absence of tree stumps. Ascending the pathway, her steps echoed on the grainy white steps with grey veins. Intriguingly, beautiful blue and white baby's breath wound around the side railings of the new steps, creating a delicate barrier between the stairs and the ledges.

Entering the foyer, Cin patiently waited for the Beast to follow before posing her question, "Did you do all this by yourself?"

It was time, he murmured into her mind, coaxing her forward. Come on.

As they traversed through the foyer and into the kitchen, Cin noticed the widened path. The Beast hadn't solely focused on the exterior; he had also dedicated time to the interior.

Reaching the kitchen, the Beast stepped aside, revealing the transformation he eagerly awaited Cin's reaction to. Her mouth fell open at the sight before her. The once cluttered kitchen had been cleared of debris and entwining vines. The island, which she predominantly used, had been replaced with a smoothly sanded stone countertop.

Adjacent to the kitchen, near the shallow firepit where she cooked, a bamboo door now hung. Pulling it aside, Cin discovered a meticulously organized pantry with freshly mounted adobe shelves.

"All this for me? How thoughtful," she said, her voice cracking slightly as she attempted to conceal her overwhelming sense of pride.

How else could I entice you to keep returning if your kitchen wasn't up to par? he joked, though the Beast's sentiment seemed genuine.

"My kitchen?" Cin raised an eyebrow playfully. "Is that your way of compensating me for my services?"

It's all I can offer at the moment. Your services deserve compensation, he responded earnestly.

Cin couldn't contain her laughter. "I don't need compensation, and calling it 'my kitchen' isn't a reward. It's simply a kitchen."

"What's your fee then, my lady?" The Beast settled on his back haunches, his eyes filled with amusement. Something had shifted between them during her absence, and for the most part, it seemed to be a positive change.

"A trove of silk dresses," Cin replied with a shrug. "That should cover the substantial debt you've accumulated."

You have yourself a deal, he huffed, a sound that she interpreted as laughter. Before she could delve deeper into the conversation, offer explanations, or ask questions, the Beast rose and exited the kitchen. Cin didn't stop him or follow; she respected his desire for solitude.

In his absence, Cin busied herself with cooking and stocking the pantry shelves with herbs and spices. She lost track of time, but when the aroma of spicy garlic from the Shakshuka filled the kitchen, the Beast returned.

"I was just about to send smoke signals," she half-smiled, carrying the pot of Shakshuka to the Great Hall. As she entered, she noticed the area around the dining table cleared, replaced by a sturdy granite table. It was supported by two granite legs, one near each end, ensuring stability.

In the weeks she had been away, the Beast had been remarkably productive. They dined in silence, but it felt comfortable. Cin yearned to share her experiences with the Beast, to inquire about his coping mechanisms after losing his family, but she hesitated to compare their situations. Her father had passed away, while the Beast had endured the tragic loss of his entire family.

Both of them were orphans, Cin realized. Despite the different paths that led them there, they shared the absence of their parents. Although she was fortunate to still have her brother, it didn't change the fact that this was a common bond she shared with the High Lord and many other fae in the court.

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