Chapter Thirty Nine

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 "Interesting," a hoarse voice shattered the illusion.

Both Cin and Tamlin turned their heads toward the Great Hall's doorway, where they found Mendes standing before a group of unfamiliar men, at least a dozen in number. Tamlin instinctively positioned himself in front of Cin and growled under his breath. She could see the talons beginning to emerge—he was on the verge of shifting into the Beast.

"What do you want?" he barked at the men.

Mendes raised his long sword, pointing it at Tamlin. "Justice. Your attempts at reparations are not enough. They will never be enough," he echoed the words he had once spoken to Cin.

The flash of light that emanated from Tamlin's body was nearly blinding, but Cin welcomed it. The Beast stood before her, ready to defend against anyone who dared approach. He growled over his shoulder, and a warm breeze enveloped Cin, lifting her from her feet and carrying her toward the minstrels, who had pressed themselves against the side walls.

"No!" Cin struggled against the wind. As soon as her feet touched the floor, she sprinted back across the Hall. She knew Tamlin had sent another gust of wind her way when he growled, this time more annoyed. Cin watched the tulips and dodged the gusts that ruffled the carpet she had created. "Stop! Let him make amends!"

"He can't," a voice behind Mendes sneered. "There has been too much damage! He needs to pay." Cin didn't know if Mendes had brainwashed the men or if they had all been poisoned by the same toxic beliefs.

"He has paid! Can't you see that?" Cin yelled, now standing almost beside the Beast. "As long as you are alive and breathing, it is never too late to make amends. Please, just let him make things right."

"You disappoint me the most, Cin," Mendes shook his head, pointing his sword at her. "You have suffered more than anyone else here because of his actions, and yet here you stand, defending him."

If you're going to point your toothpick at anyone, let it be me, you coward. Tamlin's roar echoed through the Great Hall, immediately drawing weapons, which were holstered until then, and aiming them at him. I'm right here, Mendes.

"You're not helping," Cin snapped at him, panic rising as she worried that Mendes and his group of rioters would attack Tamlin.

Get back. There.

"He is your High Lord, Mendes, and he made grave mistakes. He will live with the consequences of those mistakes for the rest of his life," she tried to placate. Cin wasn't foolish enough to step between them; it would only provoke Tamlin into action, resulting in him potentially killing most, if not all, of them and injuring himself in the process. "Don't do this, please."

"Don't let the bitch get into your head, Mendes!" a voice called out from behind him, only to be silenced by the menacing growl from the Beast. Cin was tempted to throw something at Tamlin to prevent him from worsening the already dire situation.

"This doesn't have to turn into a fight," she implored once more. "Let's use our words and find a resolution, some sort of agreement."

"The time for talking is over," the man closest to Cin spat on the tulips, swiftly drew his bow, and fired an arrow at her before she could even react. Cin had no time to defend herself as the arrow hurtled toward her.

She knew it wouldn't—couldn't—save her, but she had to try. Cin threw her arms up, shielding her face with her forearms, and stifled the shriek that wanted to escape. And then she braced herself for the pain, and waited, and waited.

But nothing came.

Lowering her arms, Cin...found the arrow suspended in mid-air, not two feet from her face. She reached out to pluck it from the air but stopped when her hand met a smooth, transparent barrier.

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