Chapter VI: The Dead Star

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I was so confused.

"What?" said Melissa, dumbfounded. "You cannot prove that!"

"I can't?" said the guard with an evil grin. "I don't have to. Everybody knows."

I felt a sudden rush of anger. Well, of course I would!

"First off," I said. "Our father happened to be the man who sacrificed himself for a lot of people and saved thousands! He was the one who stayed back on Earth and launched a lot of people in space to keep us safe! Some people were against that idea, but he was the one who insisted on it! Second off, we're too young to understand the complexity of any machine to help our dad into it. And third off, I'm out of sandwiches, so I can't prove more. George, give me one of yours."

The guard simply laughed at that and took out his glenphone and said, "Seven Eight Five Three."

I had no idea what he meant. George did not give me any sandwich out of his bag. Not even the Sugar-Salt Special, which he'd give anyone he hated. Those are the only sandwiches I can't tolerate, apart from rotten sandwiches, of course.

As I was thinking about sandwiches, a few guards suddenly circled us. What was going on? Without a word, one of the guards knocked me into the ground. My head went all the way under the ship's floor, and then my body left the ship.

Soon after, I came to Earth, which looked like home, sweet home. My beautiful planet. Not ruined. For the first time ever. Before I knew it, I was pulled down onto it and then for no reason at all, I began dancing. Then one of those weird aliens chased me. It had razor-sharp teeth. I ran for my life, but that huge monstrous thing grabbed my cloth by its teeth. I screamed for help, but of course it was useless.

Then it opened its mouth wide as saliva fell all over me, and just as it took a bite, I woke up, screaming. The scene around me was less terrifying, but it wasn't the ideal flower-and-sunset scenery. I realised it was a prison. Those nasty guards had punched all of us unconscious. It was dark around here, but there was a window, that let in star light. It was beautiful outside, but dingy inside. I was, however, not alone. Apollo, George and Melissa were there too.

"Phoenix," said Apollo, crawling over to me as they had taken his wheelchair. "Are you okay?"

It would have looked funny when he crawled, but it was horrifying. It was like seeing myself in a helpless situation, unable to walk.

"I guess," I mumbled. "Just had a nightmare."

George came over to me.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I really wanted to talk to you, believe me, I did, but Mel kept telling me that if I did, she'd- OW!"

Melissa had punched him on the face, which completed his sentence.

"Don't do that!" said George, rubbing his face, and I could tell he felt embarrassed. "Phoenix and I were sandwich buddies before you two fought! Doesn't mean I should stop talking to him! He's my friend and I will talk to him if I want to!"

Melissa snorted on "sandwich buddies". I didn't laugh, though. Hey, we were young and stupid, okay?

"ALRIGHT, STOP THIS MADNESS!" cried Apollo, so loudly and suddenly, that all of us freaked out and covered our ears. "WE DON'T GAIN ANYTHING OUT OF FIGHTING! And it's killing me."

Okay, I'm not going to lie, that looked funny. But it worked. Maybe. I don't remember these events that clearly. It was definitely a long time ago, in two different ways. You'll know what I mean.

"You don't have to shout, honey," said Melissa. Then she turned to George. "Take that ***** to the other corner of this room or cell or I don't care, just take him!"

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