chapter thirty four

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Aleeza's POV

I wriggled in the bed trying to find a comfortable position, but i failed, no matter how hard i tried i just couldn't fall asleep. After a long time of tossing and turning, i gave up. I heaved a sigh and got off the bed.

I went to the balcony of the room, i looked up at the beautiful night. I felt as if I turned a little Aleeza again, who would talk to stars thinking I'm talking with mom.

"Hey mom" i said looking at the brightest star

"I'm going to resume my duty from tomorrow, I'm nervous. Somewhere in my heart i am scared of going back to the hospital." Tears started falling from my eyes, as the empty hole of the absence of mom in my heart began to eat me.

"I convinced Irteza, i put on a brave face in front of him, but the truth is I'm freaking out"

I continued sharing my thoughts with her. At one point of time i started believing as if she was actually listening to me and now I have got her worried for me

"Oh mom, don't worry, i should be fine. I am a very strong girl nothing can scare me, don't take stress." I started convincing my imaginary mom like i convinced Irteza

"Mom please understand... Yes I know I'm alone, but I'm a lioness, i..." i was talking with my mom when I was cut by someone

"Don't believe her aunty" i turned around and found Irteza, he took a step and stood next to me, he was looking at the same star i was looking at

"She is not alone, I'm there with her, i won't let anyone harm her" he looked at me for a second then averted his gaze back to the star, "i will always stand by her"

I was surprised when he draped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, his eyes were still at the sky

"She has become so important, I'm here to protect, so you don't have to worry about her anymore, aunty" seeing him talking like this got me so overwhelmed tears welled in my eyes again

He turned to face me, he put his hand on my cheek. His eyes were filled with concern.

"Hey! why are you crying baby?" He asked


"I'm not" i said looking down, he put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up forcing me to look at him. He let his finger continue holding my chin while he wiped my tears with his free hand

"Your tears do something to my heart, it's unbearable" he uttered so lovingly

Is he the same irteza, who used to annoy the hell out of me. What happened to him now? How did he become so affectionate?

He leaned forward and now he was dangerously close to me, he was so close that i could feel his fast heart beat and heavy breath.

"I think we should sleep" i murmured and ran inside the room, but he came after me, he stood too close behind me,  his hand was on my belly and he was pulling me to him

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice came out in whisper, he gathered all my hair and shifted to one side, he lowered his head, his beard stubble tickled the skin connecting my neck and shoulder

"What does it look like?" He said in my ear in a deep voice, my whole body shivered, my heart was drumming in my rib cage. My mouth went dry, i licked my lips

"Let me go" i said. Suddenly he turned me towards him, so now we were standing face to face, there was no space between us. I could feel the heat radiating from him, i was scared it would burn me down to ashes

"Please" i mumbled, it was becoming too difficult for me to handle our proximity. A loose strand of hair fell on my face, he blew air on it. Even though he has woken up from sleep still his breath smells minty, i wondered how.

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