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"Robbie, is my car here?" I asked my best friend. I was not leaving my baby in London where my crazy ex-girlfriend lived only two blocks away. Hell no. Don't get me wrong, I liked her, but she was crazy. And clingy. She'll probably wreck my car when I leave. Which is why I had it shipped to Beacon Hills.

"Yeah, mate. The delivery guy said it's in the parking lot." Robbie said. I met Robbie on my very first day in London. He was the typical nerd, while I was the new kid. Although I didn't go to school, because I graduated really early, everyone knew there was someone new to the town.

Now Robbie went to a Uni in London, while I did absolutely nothing. I did things throughout the day, but not job related. Which shocks me because I'm not exactly the most poorest person.

"Great. I'll talk to you soon, mate." Robbie said his goodbye and hung up.


"Knock knock," I said, faking knocking on the medal door to the loft Derek told me to meet him at. Supposedly this is where he lived, which totally fix Derek's personality well. Dark and mysterious.

Suddenly the door was open by the one person I was hoping I wouldn't see here. My horrible sister-murdering-psycho uncle Peter. Even when the family was alive, I still didn't like him. It's just something about his aura that bothers me.

"My favorite nephew Drew, how are you?" Peter asked as if he actually cared. He was probably trying to get on my good side. And well, he hasn't been on my good side in years.

"Stop kissing ass, Peter. You're still the pompos ass as you were before the fire," I snarled, walking passed him making sure I bumped shoulders. Once I stepped inside, I could tell that this was the pack my brother was talking about. Wow, they look like a bunch of amateurs. They look like high-schoolers and don't doubt that they are.

I chuckled shaking my head, "Wow, Derek. You surround yourself with a bunch of amateur's when your missing the big important ones in London,"

"Great, a Hale who thinks he's like the king of werewolves. Just what he needed," Some guy with moles grumbled to the other bunch. There was a Mexican-looking one, who I can tell was an alpha, the moles, an ombre brunette girl, an asian-looking one, no offense, a redhead who looks oddly familiar, and a blonde dude. There was also a colored girl with claw scratches on her neck, but she doesn't look like a high-schooler.

"Mate, I can hear you." I stated the obvious, which made Derek chuckle.

"This is Scott, Stiles, Malia, Kira, Lydia, Liam and Braedon. Guys, this is Drew Hale my younger brother." Derek introduced. Okay, so alpha was Scott McCall, his best friend, the were-coyote, the kitsune, the banshee and the beta. Don't ask how I know these things, because honestly it's pretty obvious. It's also obvious that Kira is into Scott, Malia and Stiles have a things going on. It's also obvious that Derek and Braedon have some sexual tension up in the air.

"Great. Really great, although you two look familiar." I said, pointing at so-called Scott and Stiles. The redhead also looked familiar but it's probably because she looked like someone I knew in London. So I kept quiet. There was also someone I had in mind, but that couldn't be her, because I heard she's dead.

"It's probably because we went to Elementary School together. Same classes." Stiles said, waving his arms awkwardly. Still doesn't ring a bell, but okay.

I nodded sarcastically, although they probably didn't know I was being sarcastic, "Okay."

The redhead stepped up, tears in her eyes, "You really don't remember me?" She asked sadly. Though I can sense a little bit on anger mixed with her voice.

I shrugged, "Should I?"

She chuckled sarcastically, "God, you are still the asshole you were back then."

I looked at her. Like, really looked at her. Redhead, green eyes, small petite body fra- Wait. It couldn't be her, could it? Kate told me she had killed her after I left. I didn't keep contact with Kate, but she still had my number and texted me saying she did. That's when I stopped regretting not saying goodbye to the love of my life. I regretted not spending much time with her instead. The only person who truly loved my for me and as a friend. Lydia Martin.

"Lydia?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yes!! It's me, Lydia Martin!! Your best friend since fucking pre-school!! The one you left behind!!" She yelled, a tear falling from her beautiful eyes. Oh my god, I hurt her. Something I promised not to do.

"I am so, so, so sorry, Lyd. I-" I was cut off by her angriness.

"I don't want to hear your petty excuses, Drew. You left me!! Alone, when I needed you the most!!" She yelled, completely forgetting that there was other people in the room.

"Can we talk about this in priv-"

"No!! Why can't you live up to your mistakes!! You left me, Drew. That was your mistake!!" She yelled.

"Lydia I'm so-"

"No!! You don't get to-" She was cut off by a sob escaping her mouth. God, I cannot believe this.

I went to walk up to her, but she held a hand up. "No, don't touch me, Drew. Just, just don't."

I nodded, completely understanding her decision that she needed space. But she didn't even let me explain, she didn't let me say that I thought she was dead and that's why I never came back until now.

I thought it was space she needed, for like a month, but I was so wrong when she continued, "Don't touch me, ever."

"Lydia let me explain," I paused when a tear fell down my eye. I loved her so much, and I still do. I haven't been with someone in ten years. I've had one-nights and random hookups, but not a stable loving girlfriend like the type she is.


Poor Drew, my baby!! :(

QUESTION: Should Lydia let him explain, or will he have to snap at yell it at her?

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