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"Lydia let me explain," I paused when a tear fell down my eye. I loved her so much, and I still do. I haven't been with someone in ten years. I've had one-nights and random hookups, but not a stable loving girlfriend like her.

"Not that I know you or anything but... you really messed up with Lydia." The true alpha, Scott commented after everyone left. Lydia in tears and the others glaring at me like if I was some monster. Which I was, but I didn't mean to hurt her.

I sighed deeply, knowing he was right. "I just... she was my best friend and I love her." I admitted.

"Then why did you leave her?" Scott kept asking questions, and it was honestly annoying me.

"Kate told me she was dead." After that it was silence. Scott didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, Derek didn't say anything and Peter looked like he could care less.

"If you really love her, go after her. I know she's not over you, when you walked into the room her heart skipped a beat, Drew. That means something. She loves you, you love her. She just needs to have some trust in you." Scott's words were right.

I can't give up, and I won't.


As I got off my car in school - which I came unwillingly - eyes stared at my every move. Girls were giggling like if they were high on drugs, and even some guys were staring at me. Alright, I can't get too cocky. They were staring at me in jealously because I probably had their girlfriends attention.

I didn't care, I only had my heart with one girl. Lydia. Not that she knows that I love her, unless Scott told her.

Straightening out my leather jacket, I made my way inside the building, people parting like the red sea. Again, the same reaction as outside, as I made my way towards the office to collect my schedule. 

I saw a couple girls winking at me and twirling their hair, but all I could do is wave at them, trying to smile. It probably came out as a grimace instead. 

Making my way inside the office, I saw a middle-aged lady sitting down near a computer. Heading towards her, I cleared my throat. "Um. I'm new here." My new fond British accent flowed out as if it was natural. Not that I was faking it or anything, but spending about three years in London made the accent stick.

The office lady seemed taken back because of my accent, before she put on a flirty smile and fluttered her eyelashes. Um... ew. Resting on her elbows - obviously trying to show something that wasn't there in the beginning - she twirled a piece of her dyed brown hair in her finger. "What's you name, cutie?" She questioned, giving me a quick wink.

I had to refrain from gagging right then and there, but I put on a strong face and blunt tone of voice. "Drew Hale." My face was void of emotion, but I still sent her a smirk which girls seem to fall for these days. She drew in a deep breath, staring at my face. For too long.

She cleared her throat awkwardly, "Um of course. I'll be right back." She sent me a small smile, and I could smell her arousal. Okay, I shouldn't have smirked at her then.

She came back quickly, with a paper in hand. "Here are you classes, cutie. Oh and if you want some fun, you know where to find me." She winked at me, before returning to her computer work. As I left the office, I refrained from throwing up. Although I did have a disgusted look on my face.

"Heard everything, dude. That was disgusting." Scott made his way towards me, and chuckled.

"She was turned on because I smirked at her. What the actual bloody hell." The disgusted tone was still there.

"Ew that's gross." Stiles also appeared. Which surprised me because yesterday he seemed like he hated my guts for hurting Lydia.

"Yeah. Anyways, back to the only reason I'm here. Where's Lydia?" I questioned, my eyes scanning for any sign of the strawberry blonde girl who seemed to have my heart in the palm of her hand.

"Last I saw her she was by her locker." That was all it took before I headed in the direction of Lydia's scent. Stiles was right, she was by her lockers, which was right in front of the girls bathroom which was perfect.

"Lydia." I announced myself, which made her gasp in surprise and shock.

"What do you want, Drew?" She asked harshly, which made my heard drop. "I wanted to talk to you, Lyds." I pleaded, turning her around my her waist and making her look me in the eye.

"A lot of people want to talk to me, Drew. Doesn't mean your special." Lydia huffed, before slamming her locker shut and attempted to leave me.


Grabbing her wrist, stopped her, I pulled her into the girls bathroom, before locking the door. I made sure no one else was here, before I gave Lydia another pleading look.

"I know you're mad that I left, Lyds. But-" I started but I couldn't seem to finish.

"I am not mad, Drew. I am furious." She yelled, stepped away from me, with a harsh glare on her beautiful face. I am pretty sure she saw my hurt look, and her face softened.

"Let me explain." I started, but before she could cut me off again, I placed my large on on her mouth. "I was on my way towards your house, but Kate Argent stopped me. She convinced me that you were dead, Lyds. I was going to go see for myself, but she said she would kill Jackson too. I should've gone either way, but I was scared Lyds. My family had just died by a bitch hunter. Just - just please forgive me. Please?" My voice cracked slightly, which made Lydia's eyes widen.

I removed my hand from her mouth, and took a big gulp. Looking away from her face, I placed both palms of my hands on the counter of the bathroom.

"Drew." Lydia called out, but I ignored her, a tear falling down my face. "Drew, look at me." Lydia placed both her hands on my jaw, making me look at her. She wiped the stray tear with her thumb.

"Of course I forgive you, Drew. You're my best friend and I love you." Oh she didn't know much those words mean to me.

"I love you too, Lyds." I said, before bringing her into my embrace.


I don't like this chapter much but its something.

Word count: 1112.

QUESTION: Should I post my Scott fanfic?

So Lydia and Drew finally made up, now you'll get to see how friendly they truly act.

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