Chapter 9

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Avery Romano

As we squeezed our way through the throngs of people seated at the entrance of the emergency centre, it seemed that Vincenzo had found his sister and instantly ran towards the bed and I followed suit. His sister looked no more than 16 years old. She had long and slightly wavy brown hair flowing down halfway to her back and she reminded me greatly of Uncle Francesco with her big light blue eyes. 

She had a small cut on the bridge of her nose, and a few scratches on her left arm. Her knees were also slightly scraped but they looked as though they could heal in about two to three days time. She smiled sheepishly at her brother when she noticed him storming towards her bed. Noticing that I was standing behind Vincenzo, she stretched her head out a little and asked Vincenzo,"Is that your friend?" He nodded gently, then turned to me and introduced us,"Avery, this is Andrea, my younger sister. Drea, this is Avery, my..friend." 

Andrea smirked a little at Vincenzo, though I had no idea what that was about. She then waved to me and pushed Vincenzo to the side and said,"Are you the one who played with my brother since young? I saw a few of the pictures of you both! By the way, nice to meet you, I'm Andrea and turning 14 soon." She gave me a large grin at the end and I could not help but to smile brightly. It's been so long since I've met someone so cheerful and bright. 

Soon after, Aunt Valentina and Uncle Francesco arrived to the hospital to check on Andrea's condition. They were relieved that she was not badly injured but was still upset with the fact that she was injured.

"Now, tell me why in the world would you start a fight with those girls and got yourself here?" Aunt Valentina was going all serious and was hell bent on finding out the reason behind Andrea's fight. 

Andrea raised both of her arms up in the air and stated,"Woah, wait a minute. I wasn't the one who started the fight. It was those bitches who annoyed me first by calling a whore when this guy just started talking to me. Tell me if I was still the one at fault. And by the way, I did quite a number on the two of them. One with a broken nose while the other with a broken rib or ribs I'm not sure then." She shrugged her shoulders at the last part. I could not help but chuckle at her words, she was admirable. I secretly gave her a small thumbs up while still standing behind Vincenzo and she winked at me. 

Aunt Valentina and Uncle Francesco could neither laugh nor cry at the situation. But either ways they were glad that Andrea did not sustain many injuries. They left after a while and it was now left with me and Vincenzo still standing beside her bed. 

Turning to Vincenzo, I said,"You can leave her here with me, I'm shadowing a doctor in the emergency department for the day. If Andrea needs anything, I can help her." Andrea shot me a grateful smile upon hearing it and instantly agreed with me,"Yeah Enzo, I will be fine here alone and moreover, I have Avy here with me." I froze at the new nickname she gave me. It's been ages since I've heard my brothers called me that. 

Vincenzo pondered for a moment before finally nodding his head, and replied,"Then I shall place this troublemaker in your care. Thank you." We both bade farewell to him before he finally left the emergency centre. Moving up to Andrea, I pulled the blanket over her and reminded,"Just call for a nurse and ask for Avery Romano if you need anything, all right?" She nodded vigorously and quickly shooed me back to my work. 

During my break, I came back to check on Andrea but she was fast asleep. There was only a little bit of her drip left and she will be able to go home soon. Whipping out my phone from the coat, I searched for Vincenzo's number and sent a text to him which says: Hi Avery here, can you please come to the hospital if you are free now? Andrea's drip is ending soon and she will be discharged. Or if you're still busy, I can help send her home since my shift is ending soon.

20 minutes passed and there was no reply. The nurse had removed the drip from Andrea and she was ready to be discharged. My shift was almost ending in another 10 minutes so I informed Andrea to stay on her bed first and I will take her home afterwards.

After ending my work, I immediately headed back to the emergency centre and picked up Andrea. Before leaving the hospital, I tried to call Vincenzo but the line was not picked up hence I left him a message to inform him that I was going to send Andrea home instead.

Flagging down a cab, we both got in and was now on the way to her home. Andrea was happily talking away about how she managed to settle those two girls who had insulted her earlier today. In a way I admired her a lot because she was courageous enough to stand up for herself in front of those who had done her wrong. Something that I was not able to do so. I was a coward.

After a 45 minutes car ride, we finally arrived at her house. She grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me through the front gates of her house. Their house was not as big as ours but it definitely screamed homely from the exterior. Something that our house had lost it long ago. Something that I've been craving for the past 14 years. To be able to go to a place where I can call it a home. 

"And we're finally back home!" Andrea plopped herself down onto the couch and sighed contentedly. I chided after her,"Be careful for your injuries, don't be too rough with them." She tapped on the seat beside her and I plot myself down beside her. 

"Do you want water or juice?" She asked, ready to get up from the couch. I held onto her arm and replied,"It's okay, I will have to go home soon." She sulked upon hearing my words and pouted her lips at me,"Can't you stay for a bit longer? We've just met today and we hit it off so well! We totally need a sleepover to talk more." She seemed excited at the thought of a sleepover. Her actions somehow reminded me of Bea, when she got all excited at the thought of sleeping over at my room instead of separate rooms. 

"You know, you actually reminds me of my sister." I started, while Andrea looked amazed and exclaimed,"You have a sister? Younger or older? We can hang out together some day!" I smiled at her response and continued,"Younger sister. She's in fact my twin, just that she was born later than me by 3 minutes. I do hope that you will be able to meet her someday as well. But I'm not even sure if I can ever meet her again."

Andrea's smile faded as she frowned a little,"Is she..."I shook my head and replied,"She's not gone, but was taken away by the woman who gave birth to us. I just don't know when I will be able to see after all these years. I just...missed her a lot." Andrea then placed her hand in mine, giving me a tiny squeeze and assured,"I'm sure you will see her soon, after all they said twins have telepathy isn't it? She will be able to sense how much you missed her and she will appear soon." 

Her words lightened up the mood and I nodded at her words,"When she comes home, I will make sure to bring her here and let you meet her. You guys will hit off even better." Her eyes glinted up in excitement and nodded vigorously. 

"Who will hit off well?" A voice came from the further part of the living room which made the both of us turned around. Vincenzo was standing on the last few steps of the stairs in a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, smiling at us. 

double update! been trying my best to at least get this story half done before my internship starts AHHHHHHH 

so stay tune to more double updates! 

Happy reading! -31/8/2022

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