Chapter 56

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Alexander Romano

The reinforcement of the enemy kept on coming in, and there seemed to be no end to them. I kept on glancing over to Reine's side, who was busy clutching onto Enzo and changing the cotton pads to stop his bleeding. We had to finish this fast because I don't think Enzo can wait any longer. 

After a long torturous 15 minutes, the battle finally ended with all the dead bodies piled up at every corner of the place. I hurriedly shoved the gun into the back of my waistband as I ran forward to Reine. 

"How is Enzo now?" I asked, as much as I was glad that Reine was not hurt, I was worried for Enzo's life as he had bled quite an amount after he took the shot. 

She shook her head as she removed the fully stained cotton pad and replaced with another one, replying, "Not so good, I can't tell if it had hit any major organs but it looked pretty deep. I have to operate on him right now." 

"Do you think we have enough time to get him back to our house for the operation? The police are arriving soon and we have to leave." For the second time in my life, I felt panic. My brother's life was at stake and so were all of us. Not that we won't be able to get out scot free, but the amount of paperwork to be done terrifies me.

Reine frowned, as she pondered for a moment and agreed, "He can at most last for another 30 minutes, can we get back in time?" I nodded, to which all of us sprung into action to get ready.

We all piled up into the car, with Mason behind the wheels, since he was one of the best driver besides Enzo. Thanks to him, we got back to the house within 20 minutes. 

The moment we entered the house, the rest of them immediately rushed forward upon seeing the state that Enzo was in. Eli was the first to ask, "What happened to Enzo?"

"Took a bullet for me. He needs an operation now and I need a hand, you in?" Reine replied calmly, as she pulled her messy hair into a bun before stripping off the bloodied white coat on her. Eli was shocked for a moment, before he readily agreed and ran up the stairs to get ready. They then took Enzo to the operating room while the both of them got ready. 

After the operation started, we headed for a quick shower to get rid of all the blood and immediately went back to the outside of the room. The operation went on for half an hour and yet there was still no updates.

We all stood up from the chairs when we saw Reine appearing from the room, she took off her mask as she informed us that the surgery was a successful one and that Enzo will not be awake due to the anaesthesia. The rocks in our hearts were finally gone as we heaved a sigh of relief at the news. 

Reine Parker

The moment I closed the bathroom door, I slid onto the ground as I pulled my knees to my chest. Looking at the dried up blood on my scrubs, I closed my eyes shut tightly. He almost died because of me. 

Even though I did not falter throughout the surgery, the fear in me slowly surfaced after the surgery. What if the bullet had hit one of his major organs? What if he had just died on the spot after taking that shot? What if I had failed during the surgery? 

Operation may have been easy, but when it comes to someone who shares the same blood as you, it would turn into the most difficult job in the world. Because you fear that one wrong move will probably kill them on the operating table. 

A soft knock on the door made me stood up from my position. 

"Reine?" a voice came over from the other side. I unlocked the door as I came face-to-face with Elijah, who held 2 mugs in his hands. 

He was standing by the balcony as I walked out of the bathroom, just finished taking off the scrubs and taking a quick shower to get rid of the dirt and blood from just now. As he heard my approaching footsteps, he turned over as he handed me one of the mug. It was hot chocolate.

"I was just like you, when I first had to operate on Alex, who was shot in his abdomen. Things were a lot worse than this, because it had went through one of his main artery. No matter how hard I tried to look at him from a doctor's point of view, I ended up looking at him from a brother's point of view. I could still vividly remember the time when I picked up the scalpel with trembling hands, because I was about to cut open my own brother in order to save his life. I was feeling distraught even after the surgery, despite the fact that it went well." Turning over to face me, he continued, "Everything's ok now, Reine. You were more calm and composed than I was back then. You did great, so there's nothing to worry about." 

The chilly weather was freezing, that it even turned the piping hot chocolate turned cold. But strangely, his words made me felt warmer than usual. The fear in my heart instantly dissolved as I heard his words, as though it was the remedy to it. 

It felt more comforting that the fact that someone else was able to understand you because they went through the same thing, if not worse. And the fact that he managed to notice surprised me. 

"Thank you for the talk, I appreciate it." Taking a sip of the hot chocolate, he smiled as he said, "Let's head back inside, it's getting too cold here." 

After stepping back into the house, Lucas came running towards us as he said, "Enzo woke up!"

Putting aside our mugs, we immediately dashed up the stairs, straight to the observation room. 

updated! patiently waiting for 12am to arrive as my intense shopping spree will soon commence... hopefully I won't fall asleep while waiting because it's been such a tiring week and I cannot even feel my legs anymore because of all the standing and walking JWNDWJNSKJWN

Happy reading! -10/11/2022

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