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^^ True Cathedral to Muradin ^^

— Nonith, Demiplanar Tower, Anitra —

At my reminder, Aric was instantly serious, setting down his chopsticks and leaning forward. "The report I have is two-fold; First: none of the soldiers or Knights have any connection to the Royals, and in fact that's why they're so weak, because they don't have a Patron to sponsor them and help them gain levels. Second: the Dungeon Guild has made its first enemy, and the worst one it could have, the Thieves' Guild."

I blinked slowly, staring at him and waiting for more, but he seemed to think that was a full explanation, so I urged him on gently. "And this is the worst enemy because... I can't defeat a bunch of thieves? I can't get resources without leaving the building? I don't have access to an impenetrable magical tower in a different dimension that, -whether or not you realize,- you truly only survived breaking in to because I left the door open like an idiot and I haven't made any Traps yet? I don't work for a Deity who can and will give me the power to overcome any obstacle that comes my way? I am not fated to break my enemies upon the millstone of Holy Combat? What?"

He groaned irritably, shaking his head at me. "That's incredibly arrogant, Anitra, I'm serious here! These people can-... wait, you can get resources without leaving?"

I stared at him silently, letting him work it out himself so I didn't embarrass him too much.

"... I thought you could only buy magic stuff from the Dungeon Merchant?"

I pointed slowly at the fish he was eating, still silent.

He glanced down, then covered his face with a sigh. "Okay... I get your point; you can't be Sieged, and within the Dungeon Guild you are essentially immortal."

"That is the general basis for my lack of concern, yes."

Aron frowned, looking between us carefully. "You are... immortal? May I ask how?"

"The Dungeon and I are connected, magically, which allows me to cast magic without expending Mana from myself, and also casting magic that is above myself in Tier, even Tier Seven Magic, with the right preparation. Unless the Thieves' Guild has a Tier Seven Rogue, I have little to nothing to fear from them, with preparation and awareness of the threat."

Aron blinked slowly, leaning back in his chair and lacing his fingers together under his chin contemplatively. "So we have a Demigod-Tier Mage on our side?"

"Effectively. Now what was the rest of the problem, Aric? Why is the Thieves' Guild angry? What did we do to them?"

"Taking control of one of the most proliferous areas in the City and removing the previous Governor, who paid various extensive bribes to them, -and to me, until recently,- was seen as an act of aggression, I think, and they think that getting rid of you and the Guild will help them reclaim control of the cities underground. You've only been around for a day and a half, so they think people will forget about you soon enough if you disappear."

"A fair assumption; how was this message or intent delivered?" I returned to eating my fish, mentally asking for a bowl of soy sauce to eat it with while he deliberated his answer.

"You're probably aware that I'm a member of the Thieves' Guild, yes?"

"I made the connection, yes. Your boss contacted you?"

"The Branch Manager of this city contacted me, yes. Apparently, I was part of the reason you came to their attention so quickly... your offer to have Black-Market Materials sold in the Dungeon Merchant Shop, I spread it around, and apparently they found that offer insulting."

To Rebuild a MageocracyWhere stories live. Discover now