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^^ the Altar of Arcata ^^

— Arcata, Tower of Muradin, Anitra —


As Luxos drew in a breath to respond, I held up a hand to silence her. "Muradin, you're as blind as a bat if you think this is 'Ruining' Arcata, instead of the rot you allowed to fester in it for 800 years while your own Order was being choked out and destroyed within its walls, while its Territory was being annexed, destroyed, stolen, liberated, and even simply lost! You have no room to speak, nor act."

Muradin glared down at me silently, and if they had a face I imagine they'd be frowning; instead, there was an aura of rage and discontent around them, as well as weary acceptance. "It may be true that I failed to protect Luxos and her Dream, and the Order of Mana as well, but I will not allow you to twist it like this; to turn it from the citadel of a Kingdom into a death trap and some farcical attempt at perpetual motion. Disregarding what it would do to the city's residents!"

"The residents whose standard of living would be greatly improved by every single aspect of these changes?" I raised an eyebrow sarcastically at them, smirking victoriously.

"Your argument is based entirely in arrogance: you assume you will be successful."

"That's called optimism, dumbass, not arrogance." I shook my head with a chuckle. "And I think I'll remind you of something you've clearly forgotten in your arrogance, Muradin: I don't Ask for Permission, I Inform others of My Decisions!"

"Your Stubbornness was never in question, Anitra, but I don't care: your magic goes through me anyway, so you can't change this city without my permission, and you don't have it. I will not allow this perversion of Luxos' Vision, and that's final."

"Ah, and you've forgotten, as I said, who you're dealing with: your Permission was never requested." I waved a hand at the model, using my own Prana and Simulacra to calculate the formulae and spells required, then finished the entire Fusion Spell without touching my Mana, which Muradin was correct that they controlled, currently... until the Fusion was finished, that is.

Enchantment Material detected: Arcata the Fallen Mageocracy, Divine Realm Demiplane, Unique Skill: Legendary Grimoire of Infinity, Unique Skill: Legendary Arcana of the Celestial Dragon, Tier Seven Dungeon Core (x2), Tier Six Dungeon Core (x2), Tier Five Dungeon Core (x3), Tier Four Dungeon Core (x5), Tier Three Dungeon Core (x6), Tier Two Dungeon Core (x3), Tier One Dungeon Core (x3), Ythryn Mythallar (Planar Engine) (x2), Living Deity Soul (Laura D'Artagnan), Demi-Human Being (Anitra Arcata)
Resultant: Divine Dungeon City 'Arcata' (Owner: Anitra the Legendary Living Deity)
Activating Fusion...
Resultant Achieved!
Appraisal: The Divine Dungeon City 'Arcata' is an Ancient Capital of a Fallen Mageocracy, created by Luxos the Divine Architect, and later Enchanted and Altered by Anitra the Legendary Living Deity, with Luxos' Assistance. The first and only Dungeon to exist outside of its own Demiplane, it contains within it several dozen other Dungeons, as well as the Divine Realm of Anitra the Legendary Living Deity, and a direct connection to the Divine Realm of Muradin, Deity of Magic. It is a City in its own right, connected to every Dungeon that has been Captured and Connected to it by Anitra the Legendary Living Deity as part of her campaign to control the Dungeons of the world and free Nonith from the tyrannical control of the USS. The souls of the fallen populate the Divine Dungeon within its depths, and the Astral Travelers she has invited to enjoy Nonith spawn within.
Charge: 100/100
Regen: 1,000,000/Minute.
Gained: 100% XP (x6) for Crafting the Divine Dungeon City Arcata!!! (((Merging your Divine Realm with a City? Unwise, I say! -Rackhavic))) (((Curious method of gaining political power, but definitely effective! Well done!!! -Trelisant)))
Gained: 140% XP (x6) for Conquering a City of (14) Noble Families!!! (((Hey, that seems dangerous?!? Please don't get killed and leave me here for eternity?!? -Rackhavic))) (((Lovely Coup, dear, very well executed, though I would've liked more Political Intrigue beforehand... Still, wonderfully done!!! -Trelisant)))
Gained: 20% XP (x6) for Betraying a Deity!!! (((Well, it was fun while it lasted, you're dead now. -Rackhavic))) (((Perhaps... a bit unwise? Try to talk your way out of this one, yes? -Trelisant)))
Gained: Unique Skill/Title (Legendary Divine Mage)!!!
Level Up x15.6! (->124!)
Spells Gained:—^
Enhanced Spells:—^
Stat Points: !!!330!!! (Distributed!)
—System Message—
Anitra the Legendary Living Deity, Legendary Rising Champion of Muradin, has Rebuilt the Dungeon City of Arcata!!! (Access granted through the Golden Gates)

Anitra the Legendary Living Deity, Legendary Rising Champion of Muradin, has gained the title 'Legendary Divine Mage' by recreating, improving, and reviving the Fallen Mageocracy of Arcata into a new form, the Divine Dungeon City! (Mana x2, Health x2, Access to the Divine Magic Lexicon, Access to the Divine Dragon Magic Lexicon, Divinity Stat (1/2 Total XP%), Prana Stat (1/2 Base Mana).)
Name: Anitra Arcata (Legendary)
Age: 12
Tier: 3
Level: 124(91%)
Tier 1 Class: Champion (Deity: Muradin)
Tier 2 Class: Warlock (Pact of the Chain)
Tier 3 Class: Paladin (Oath of the Tyrant)
Overall Class Title: Legendary Rising Champion
The Legendary Dungeon Master
The Legendary Living Deity
The Legendary Divine Mage
Health: 8,720/8,720 (34,880/34,880)
Mana: 8,720/8,720 (34,880/34,880)
Prana: 4,360/4,360
Divinity: 6,245.5/6,245.5
Strength*: 465
Dexterity*: 500
Constitution*: 500
Intelligence*: 500
Perception*: 500
Charisma*: 500
Stat Points: 3
—Stats Awakening —
Str: 250 (50%)
Dex: 500 (100%)
Con: 500 (100%)
Int: 500 (100%)
Per: 500 (100%)
Cha: 500 (100%)
—Unique Skills—*
Legendary Pact of the Chain
Legendary Pact of Equity
Oath of the Legendary Tyrant
Legendary Divine Mage* (Legendary Grimoire Of Infinity, Legendary Arcana of the Celestial Dragon, Divine Realm, Arcata the Fallen Mageocracy, Living Deity Soul)
—Dungeon Management—^

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