I Ain't Got All Night -Chapter 13

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Jason led Tim and Danny out of the warehouse. Tim could feel the apprehension and fear all over the ghost's emotions. He didn't trust Hood. But he was going with him anyway. Tim didn't know why. He would have expected the ghost to try and run like he had at the manor, not go towards a man who had just clearly shot and probably killed a bunch of people.

Phantom's panic had been so potent when they got shot, it practically suffocated Tim. Tim had no idea what to do. He assumed that the ghost must have been terrified of dying again. That maybe he died by being shot, and he had PTSD about guns? But there was no way he would go with Hood if that were true.

He tried to reassure Phantom that he wouldn't die again, but it seemed to do nothing for his panicked state. But then... one of the first things he asked Jason was if Tim was going to be okay, not himself. That was strange. And the first thing that happened when they did get hurt was Danny apologizing constantly for getting him hurt.

Maybe Phantom wasn't worried about himself... He was worried about Tim. Was that why he was going with Hood? Tim was sure he would be able to talk Danny through fixing up the wound. There was no real reason to go with him. But Danny didn't know that, did he?

Tim was still a little off around Jason. He came over sometimes but overall avoided the bat fam and threatened them if they entered his territory. But things were slowly getting better. And Tim was sure that Jason wouldn't just lure Phantom with him to kill him, even if he was in Tim's body. Especially after Danny said that he was only sixteen, just a kid.

And sixteen... That was surprising in of itself. Was Phantom that old when he died? Was he really Tim's age? Or is that how long he had been dead? Wait... Earlier he made a joke about being fourteen when he died and picking his name or something. So he has been dead for two years, then, and is now sixteen?

Tim's mind was running away with itself when Phantom froze, snapping Tim back to attention. It was easy to get lost in your head when you didn't even have to focus on controlling your own body. Danny was staring at a dark alley in between two other warehouses that Hood just walked into, obviously expecting him to follow. Phantom hesitated, biting his lip before stepping a bit further. Carefully putting one foot in front of the other as he walked.

That was when Tim also noticed that their vision was a bit better with Phantom's ghostly influence. It only took him a few seconds to spot Jason's motorbike hidden against the wall of one of the warehouses once they got closer. Phantom slowly continued on, their heart rate spiking.

Hood pulled out his bike and kicked up the stand before he wheeled it a little closer to them. Jason swung one leg over the seat and sat down. He winced in pain as he did so. He must have been injured too. Tim didn't look for it before and they definitely weren't close enough to see what was hurt.

They still didn't move. Phantom just stared at Jason as he sat on the bike, one arm still putting pressure on his side where they were shot.

"Come on kid. I ain't got all night." Hood called out.

Phantom jumped slightly and his eyes flickered up to the eye lenses on Hood's helmet. Apprehension was building again. "It's fine, Phantom. Don't worry. He wants to help." Tim wasn't sure if he was even confident in those words, since Tim was still terrified of the Red Hood sometimes. Especially after Jason tried to murder him in Titans Tower last year. But the words must have helped a little at least, because the ghost sighed deeply and pushed himself forward and up to the side of the bike.


The kid followed behind Jason silently as they walked away from the warehouse Tim was being held in. He stayed at least out of grabbing distance of Jason at all times, which was normal after just being kidnapped and grabbed multiple times.

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