Tim-Tom? -Chapter 16

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NEW COVER ART BY:  CheeseKatze (Kat-insomniac Artist)

Thank you so much I love it!!!

When Danny woke up his side was aching and his head felt like it was being slit open. Not only that but his core pulsed angrily in a constant rhythm. He moved his hand, it didn't feel like his own. He felt very warm compared to when he normally woke up, courtesy of having an ice core. Something was wrong.

Danny cracked open his eyes to see streaks of sunlight splaying across the wall directly in front of him. A wall that was definitely not his. His eyes shot open as all of yesterday's events came flooding back into his mind. Getting shot down, Batman, overshadowing Red Robin, the bullet, Hood... He sat up so fast that all of the blood rushed away from his, no, Tim's head.

"Ugh, what's going on, Phantom?" Tim groaned. Even in his own head it sounded like he just woke up as well, startled awake probably. Danny didn't respond. Instead, he quickly tossed off the covers that had been tangled around Tim's body. They tumbled down onto the floor with a light thud. They were too warm anyway.

Danny scanned his eyes over Tim's body. They were still wearing the pants that they put on yesterday, but the shirt was new. It looked three sizes too big for Tim's tiny frame. Danny quickly pulled up the gray shirt to see wrappings all around their side. There didn't seem to be much blood showing on the bandage.

He tentatively reached down to stroke it over the covering. He winced slightly at the pain and pulled his hand back. 'Thank goodness he's okay' Danny sighed. The halfa then glanced around the room, and over to the window which had its blinds closed, a bit of light was peaking through some of the broken slats. It was morning.

His gaze eventually landed on the only door in the room. Underneath there was light peeking out. Either daylight or a room light, Danny was not sure. "We're still in Jason's apartment," Tim commented. He sounded a little more alert now.

"He bandaged us up."Danny muttered, staring at the door thoughtfully, almost as if trying to see if Jason was on the other side.

"Yeah, he did... Phantom, are you okay?"

He still didn't take his eyes off the door. "Dude, you're the one that was shot! I should be asking you that." He whisper-yelled throwing his hand to the side.

Danny could feel Tim roll his eyes. "We have the same body Phantom, we both got shot. And it seems like you were way more affected by it than I was."

Suddenly there was a crash that sounded like someone dropping a pan or dish on the ground. Danny froze and stared at the door. He heard some muddled grumbles and saw a shadow pass under the door. But nothing more.

He felt Tim's amusement "Looks like Jay dropped something."

"Maybe we should go out and talk to him," Danny said quietly. "We need to figure out how this is going to work. Maybe he will help us."

Tim was surprised. "Woah, Phantom. Earlier you were all freaking out, we shouldn't trust this guy. If you touch me I'm going to bite you, kind of reactions. Now you want to go out and talk to him and ask for help?"

Danny raised an eyebrow. "It was a very stressful day. And what other choice do we have? He also tried to murder you, as you said before. So I had a right to not trust him. But at the moment, he helped us. And unless you have the ability to fly and haven't told me we can't jump out the window to get out of here."

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