Truths from a Liar

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A wave of confusion rolled through the stadium as two players suddenly disappeared from the live feed that was being broadcasted over the screen. Olympia, COE and the other staff glanced at one another in bewilderment, unsure what to make of their sudden and unexplained disappearance.

"Did their trackers malfunction or something? Where is their last known location?" Olympia demanded as he beckoned Red Crescent to his side.

"The northwestern corner of the rainforest, in one of the restricted challenges," Brazil replied as he parted the rainclouds to illuminate one section in the forest. "I've had a few rain clouds follow them for a while. I can lead you over if you would like."

"Yes, that would be appreciated. Red Crescent, go and secure the area. See if you are able to open the exit to the domain if they're trapped in there."

With a nod of acknowledgement, Red Crescent pulled away from Red Cross and followed Brazil's directions, disappearing into the forest.

Olympia scowled as he tried to fathom how anyone could have gotten stuck in a challenge. Even if they were unable to solve it, they could always just fail it on purpose to get out.

So how exactly did they get stuck?

"A tampering perhaps," COE echoed his exact thoughts. "Someone's added their own trap to be triggered within the domain to transport them to their own. That could explain why the feed was cut as well."

"But that would mean someone was able to tamper with the mechanics designed by the Powers themselves. It's quite unthinkable if I do say so myself."

"And yet here we are," COE scoffed as she crossed her arms. "Two of our players vanished into midair and now we might have to stop the games to inspect if there are any other concerns."

Olympia grumbled in complaint but didn't say much else. They could only wait and hope for the best while preparing for the worst.


AU was sitting within the crowd, watching the games play out intently when the feed on Russia and America suddenly cut out. A murmur of concern naturally rose all around her but AU managed to remain relatively calm and wasted no time. She politely excused herself from her seat and walked up to a more empty section to gather her thoughts. It was nearly impossible to find but after dipping into a restricted area, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, activating her Awakening.

Immediately, a painful flood of information bombarded her brain as her eyes registered hundreds of thousands of probabilities all at once. It was too much. It felt like someone had just stabbed her in the head and she nearly fainted from the rush.

'God damnit- focus!' AU hissed to herself as she rubbed her eyes and prepared to try again. This was another reason why she was impartial towards large crowds and events.

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