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"Where is she?"

"She'll be here!"

"She was supposed to get here an hour ago!"

"Delilah, my love," Ethan calmly spoke to his soon-to-be wife, "Take a deep breath."

"I can't-"

"In through your nose... out through your mouth...."

With an eye roll and dramatic sigh, Delilah (begrudgingly) followed along.

"There, don't you feel-" Ethan fell silent as the door busted open.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Dylan yelled, dragging her suitcase inside with her. "Sorry, I'm late!"

"Thank god! What took you so long?"

"My plane was delayed! I can't control the sky!"

The only glimpse of Dylan I could see was a blur of golden hair as Delilah grabbed her sister's arm and whisked her away. Even without seeing her, I could feel my heart thump faster with anticipation - the sound of her voice alone was enough to drive me insane.

Shit - that woman still had me wrapped around her finger.

Sounds of incoherent babbling, followed by a giggle, pulled my attention to the little human in my lap. "Your mommy and daddy are getting married this weekend," I whispered. "Are you excited to be the cutest flower girl, Rosie?"

A pair of large doll-like eyes looked up at me.

"Shit. Don't tell your big sister I said that. You're both going to be the cutest ones."

Rosie let out another giggle as she leaned against my chest, almost like she was signalling she would keep my slip up our little secret.

"Daddy! Uncle Fishy! Rosie!" Lily yelled to us the moment Ethan entered the room. "Watch this!" The little girl took off, running at full speed from one end of the room to the other. "Did you see that? Did you see how fast I went?"

"Nice going, Lilypad!" Ethan said, giving his daughter a thumbs up. He released a breath as Lily became distracted by practicing her ballet moves - which mainly involved her spinning around in circles. "I swear I've never seen Delilah this stressed out before."

"It's a big week. I think it's normal for her to feel that way."

Ethan sighed and nodded his head. "I know, I know... I just want her to enjoy it. But with all the chaos of planning... plus the bombshell that her mother isn't coming-"

"She's not?"

"Called her last night and broke the news. Andrew was going to be away, but then he cancelled his trip, so..." Ethan shrugged. "Delilah said she's fine with it, but regardless of the troubles in their relationship, I know she wanted her mother to be here on her wedding day. But I'm just glad Dylan finally made it. I don't know how Del would get through this week without her."

I hummed a response in agreement, happy that Rosie had pulled my attention as she tried to reach for one of her toys from the table.

"Shit. Wait. I completely forgot." Ethan's eyes widened. "This is the first time you two are-"


"You've never talked-"



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