Chapter 15

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I left Hannah an extra pair of clothes to change into and then went downstairs to make a call. I dialed the number and tapped my foot anxiously while I waited.

"Bradley, how are you man?" My cousin Damien asked. He was ten years older than me, but we were close.

"I've been better," I said with a sigh. I ran my hand through my hair and leaned against the counter.

"What's up?"

"Remember that girl Hannah I was always complaining about?"

"Yeah," Damien said suspiciously. Every time he came to visit when I was young, I'd spend half the time complaining about Hannah. Damien was convinced I had a crush on her. I always said I didn't, but now I wasn't so sure.

"Well, when I moved back she was different and I decided to find out why."

I told Damien everything I'd learned about Hannah, a rage slowly building with every word I said.

I knew it wasn't my story to tell, but if I wanted Damien's help, he needed to know. And I trusted Damien with my life. I just hoped Hannah didn't mind.

"So, can you help?" I asked Damien, mentally crossing my fingers.

"If what you are saying is true, I'd have to interfere even if you didn't want me to," my cousin told me.

Damien worked for the FBI and he was the only person I could think to call when Hannah told me about what happened.

"Thanks man."

"Of course," Damien said. "Let me talk to my boss and call you back. If I had to guess, we'll probably come down to investigate the station within the next two days."

"Thanks Damien. Bye."


I hung up and dialed another number.

"Hey Dad," I said sheepishly.

"What did you do?" He groaned.

"Nothing! Well, nothing bad." My dad sighed and I went on. "I just wanted to tell you that Hannah Jacobson is going to be staying here for a while."

"Hannah Jacobson?" Dad asked and I confirmed. "Why?"

"I found her dad beating her and it was so bad I had to bring her to the hospital."

Dad gasped. "Holy shit."

"I know," I said. "So it's ok?"

"Yeah, of course. Just be responsible."

I agreed and hung up with my dad. That was much easier than expected. I mean, I knew he'd say yes, I just thought it might take a little more convincing. It took way more convincing to let me stay here by myself and now I was adding a girl to the equation.

But the situation didn't really leave much room for arguing. There was no way I was letting Hannah stay anywhere but with me.

Speaking of Hannah, I decided to go and check on her. I went upstairs and knocked softly on the door to her room.

There was no reply so I cracked the door open and saw her laying in bed, asleep. She was snuggled into the blankets and she looked so peaceful. The sight made me smile.

I backed away and closed the door again, going to my room across the hall. I laid down on my bed and thought about all that had happened since I moved back to this place.

A few hours later, I had dinner made and resting on the table. I wanted Hannah to get a hearty meal, especially after learning her old diet. I was going to stuff her full while she stayed here.

Once the table was set, I went back upstairs and to Hannah's room. I went in quietly and crouched down beside the bed.

"Hannah," I whispered, lightly shaking her shoulder.

Hannah jumped back, but relaxed once she realized it was only me.

"Sorry," I said, smoothing her hair back. "I just wanted to see if you want some dinner."

"It's ok," Hannah said with an adorable little yawn. "and dinner sounds great. If you're sure."

"Of course I'm sure," I told her. "You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want here."

Hannah smiled and took the hand I offered her. I led her down to the kitchen and she gasped when she saw the table. "You made all this?"

"Yeah," I said sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.

In all truth, I might have overdone it a bit, but I wanted to make sure there was something Hannah would like. So I made a lot. There was two different types of pasta, salad, chicken, breadsticks, roasted vegetables, and chocolate cupcakes for dessert.

Hannah and I sat down at the table. "Have whatever you'd like," I told her.

Hannah looked at all of the food and cautiously reached for the serving spoon to the vodka sauce pasta. I nodded at her in reassurance and she spooned some onto her plate. She also took some salad, a breadstick, and a cupcake.

I smiled and served myself some food once she was done.

I watched as Hannah took the first bite of her food. Her eyes widened and she moaned. A blush immediately came over her face and I chuckled.


"Yes," she said softly. "Thank you."

"Of course."

Hannah and I talked while we ate. She only ate half of her plate, but I knew it'd take some time for her appetite to grow. I was just happy she was getting all the things she deserved.

God, I wanted to kill that father of hers.

Before I let myself get angry, I put my focus back on the girl in front of me. She yawned, tired from the events of the past few days.

It was only eight, but I could tell she was ready to go to sleep, so I took her hand and led her upstairs.

I stopped in front of her door and turned her to face me.

"I'm right across the hall if you need anything."

"Thank you," Hannah said. "For everything."

"You don't need to thank me," I told her, brushing my knuckles across her cheek.

Hannah offered me a slight smile and went into her room.

"Sleep well," I said before she could close the door.

"You too."

I smiled as I turned and went to my room.

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