Chapter 21

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I stood in front of my closet, analyzing every piece of clothing I had (Damien had gone to my house and gathered all my clothes for me so I would have things to wear).

My date with Bradley is tonight and I have to look perfect.

I tried on dress after dress and nothing was working. I was about to give up when I saw a dress in the very back. It was my mom's. It was the one thing of hers I managed to save for myself.

With careful hands, I took the dress and slipped it on. Looking in the mirror, tears filled my eyes.

The dress fit perfectly.

It was a maroon halter neck dress that went halfway down my thighs. It fit snuggly down to my waist, where it flared out.

I looked so much like my mom in this dress. For once, I felt beautiful.

I slipped a sweater on over the dress so the scars on my back wouldn't show and went to do my hair. I curled it and let it flow down naturally.

I went light on the makeup, only using mascara and some lipgloss. I don't like wearing it caked on; it makes me feel gross. I know some people like wearing more makeup, and no disrespect to them, it's just not for me.

I looked at myself in the mirror and checked to make sure none of my scars were showing.

Once I was sure I looked ok, I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

Bradley was waiting at the bottom in a pair of jeans and a black button up shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing off his muscles.

Bradley's eyes never left my body as I walked down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, he didn't say anything, making me fidget uncomfortably.

"Do I look ok? I can go change," I finally said. I turned to go back upstairs, tears burning in my eyes, but Bradley grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face him.

"You look stunning," he said to me. I blushed and looked down from his heated gaze. I knew he was over exaggerating, but his words still made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Let's go."

Bradley's hand slid down my arm to hold my own and we walked out to his car. He opened the door for me and closed it once I'd slid in, like a perfect gentleman.

As soon as Bradley was in his seat, his hand took mine again. He brought it up to his lips and placed a kiss on my palm before starting up the car and driving away.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

He looked over to me quickly and smirked. "You'll see."

I sighed, but dropped it. I knew he wouldn't tell me unless he wanted to; he was too stubborn for that.

I spent the rest of the short ride wondering where he could possibly be taking me. We drove through town until Bradley pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant.

"I hope you like Italian," he said, flashing me a smile.

"It's my favorite!"

Bradley chuckled and got out of the car. Before I could even open my door, he was there, opening it for me. I giggled and took his hand.

Bradley led us inside and the hostess seated us immediately.

The restaurant was small, but in a cozy way. It made me feel nice and comfortable. The lighting was dim and there were fairy lights hanging on the walls that gave the place a hint of magic.

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