A surprise

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I know it's been a while but I'm back from my holiday! So I might do a book just about the mains adventures so look out for that! Anyway enjoy the new chapter! P.S. I know I don't advertise much but maybe try checking out my friend YourPersonalFrenchFry on YouTube, I know they would love it!

{the mains are back at JMA after the weekend and are in the common room}

Winter:*playing Hogwarts mystery* ARGHHHH WEIRD BLACK PLANTS

Peril: *reading a fireproof copy of Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone* devil!s snare, use lumonus 

Reef: *sharing noodles with Anemone* do you like this flavour? I made it myself

anemone: yes! I never tasted clownfish noodles, you *leans foreward* have a talent for noodle making

Lechwe: *sitting in a sunny spot to warm up while reading "Harry Potter, the creature volt"* these dragons are...

... disturbing

Jaguar: *comes over and rests her head on his shoulder to read*

Lechwe: *forgetting to block from Moon* she's so perfect, and she thinks I'm perfect, me of all dragons, an beautiful, elegant rainwing with a blocky, clumsy Mudwing. She loves me on the inside AND outside though, and I love both sides of her scales too.

Jaguar: *also forgetting to block* he's so warm, I wish I could stay under his wings forever, hah, if only, what does he see in me though?  I can't imagine I patch up the lonely holes in his heart the way he does in mine

Moon: *sitting under Quibli's wing* KINKAJOU! LECHUAR HAS SAILED

Kinkajou:*reading a scroll Turtle wrote while he anxiously looks at her* YESSSSSSS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE SHIPS HAS SAILED

*Jaguar turns Lime green, peach and red, until Lechwe puts a wing around her and she turns pink and rose and leans into him while Moon, Kinkajou and Anemone fangirl and the the boys congratulate Lechwe*

Anemone:SOOOOOO CUUUUUUTE!!! I wish I could tell if Reef  feels that way about me, wait, I can enchant something to tell me...


Anemone: enchant this earring to show me the truth about what I ask it *puts it in* how does Reef of the seawings feel about me

Earring: *showing Reef pacing around his room with his clawmates Shelf and Slab (they are the lapis winglet icewing and Mudwing) watching him*

Reef: how do I tell her?

Slab: if you love her, then get her a great present that only you would think of

Shelf: *points at his noodle-making station* something involving that

Reef: YES! Thanks guys, I just love Anemone, but I didn't know how to tell her that, you guys are great friends *group hug and the scene fades away*

Earring: that is the truth 

Reef: *knocks on the door frame* Anemone? I have something for you, can you come with me?

Anemone: *runs over and hugs him* I love you!

Reef: *hugs back* I love you too, now come on, I made you a surprise!

*they walk to an underground lake full of noodles where peril is standing in the shallows boiling the water and Jaguar is sitting next to her*

Anemone: REEF! OH MY GOSH!

Peril: okay it's done

Jaguar: *claps and the water drains and it is full of Reef's clownfish flavouring* 

Reef: thank you

*Peril and Jaguar fly out and Anemone and Reef enjoy the feast, their friends eventually come and help*

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