Part 4

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Me and Kira was back at home cause, narrow, kind of put me out from fighting but Idgaf

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Me and Kira was back at home cause, narrow, kind of put me out from fighting but Idgaf

Kira come eat these noodles I said

K she said walking in the kitchen

I hard the door knob being mess with 

I opened the door to see a irritate nardo

What's wrong with you I said

Nothing man move he said

Boy you can stay out there df I said about to close the door

Bro move before you piss me off he said pushing his way in the house

He walked in the kitchen and ate my baby food

Stop eating her shit I said

Bro leave me df alone he said

You can really gtfo I don't know why you mad but you can get th fuck on with tht shit I said getting mad cause now he pissing me off

Girl idgnf go get yo clothes Kira he said

Boy she ain't going with you you can leave I said as he walked pass me

Df with his goofy ass I mumbled to myself grabbing Kira bowl, washing it out 

come on mommy it's bedtime I said grabbing Kira taking her to her bathroom that's in her room

Here I said giving her her little mermaid toy for the water

Tank you mommy she said playing in the water while I wash her hair

You welcome stink, I said, laying  her back putting water on her hair

I left out the bathroom to find her some clothes to put on

I found her turning red pajamas and grabbed her drying towel

I walked back in the bathroom to get her and walked out and put her bedtime lotion on her, then put her clothes on her then put her in the bed

I gave her the remote to pick a movie off Disney

When she did that I turned her light off  and cleaned her bathroom back up

When I walked in my room it was so dark and it smelled like weed

Didn't I tell you to get the fuck out I said turning the lights on

Man turn that shit off my eyes hurt he said

Naw get the fuck out Nardo cause you really just did all that like I did something to you get the fuck out I said walking in the bathroom

Girl shut up and wash yo ass then come lay down he said

Boy you need to wash yo lil ass dick I seen yo itchy  ass scratching your legs I said

Girlll that's what a perk do to you he said mugging me
Btw perks do make you itchy I seen a nigga on it before it's sad asf don't do drugs unless it's weed😗 naw im playing don't do it..........

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