Attempts At Romance

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"Hickory can you get that please?" Alexis asks as she is inside her owner's house with her boyfriend Hickory while hearing a knock at the door.

"Aww come on doll. I'm busy." Hickory says as Alexis looks at him annoyed.

"Doing what exactly?" Alexis asks.

"What's it look like I'm doing. I'm watching the sports channel." Hickory says as Alexis sighs.

"Ugh. Nevermind. Hello. Oh it's you again." Alexis says as she opens the door and sees the pink cat again with a vacuum and a yellow cat next to him.

"We're here to vacuum miss." The pink cat says as he pours some dirt on the rug.

"Well there goes my owners clean rug." Alexis says.

"Thanks but no thanks." Hickory says as he angrily walks over and slams the door in the cats faces.

"Hickory that was not nice." Alexis says angrily.

"Yeah and neither is this. I said get lost!" Hickory says as the cats knock again before he picks up the dirt and throws it at them causing them to leave.

"Hickory!" Alexis says angrily.

"Don't worry about it doll. Come watch TV." Hickory says as he goes back over to the couch.

"That cat." Alexis says angrily as she growls annoyed.


"Finally. Some peace and quiet away from that cat. The nerve of him." Alexis says angrily as she is walking through the park at night.

"Hold it right there missy. Let's have the jewel collar." A voice says revealing to be two cats with clothes over their mouths and noses.

"Yeah." The other cat says.

"I beg your pardon?" Alexis asks annoyedly before the pink cat walks over.

"Have no fear my dear. Your hero Choo-Choo is here. You go hide my sweet. Now then you hoodlums it is time for the thrashing you so richly deserve." The pink cat says.

"Hide? Oh no! Leave him alone! I'll give you my collar okay." Alexis says as she gives a concerned look seeing the pink cat take a couple hits from the thieves.

"That's okay my dear. I have this under control." Choo-Choo says.

"Okay Spike. Let him have it." The purple cat says.

"Spike!?" Choo-Choo says before the two cats attack him.

"Hey! I said leave him alone!" Alexis says as she growls before shifting to wolf form and attacking the two cats.

"Yikes! Wolf!" The cats shout as they run off.

"Wolf?" Choo-Choo asks as he looks at Alexis as she shifts back to cat form.

"Sorry about that. It was nice meeting you again. Glad you're okay." Alexis says as she smiles at Choo-Choo.

"Alexis there you are! Why aren't you home making dinner?" An angry voice asks revealing to be Hickory as he comes walking over.

"I was wanting to go for a walk." Alexis says annoyedly.

"With this sorry excuse of a cat? Come on." Hickory says as Alexis reluctantly follows him.


"I can't believe you would go around with other cats. You're my girl." Hickory says angrily as he and Alexis is back in Alexis's owners apartment.

"I am not your property! You cannot treat me like this. So get out!" Alexis shouts angrily.

"Fine doll but you'll regret this. You won't find anyone half as good as me." Hickory says angrily as he leaves.

"I'll take my chances. Huh?" Alexis asks as she sees a letter get dropped through her mail slot before she opens it and reads it as she then smiles.

Together No Matter What Top Cat: Choo-Choo X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now