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‎بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Zahra's POV-
(2.5 years back)
Hey guys before I forget to introduce myself let me just tell you a few things about myself and well, my life in general.

My names Zahra Hassan. 19 years old. I lost my parents in a car accident when I was around 11. Ever since then I have been living with my grandparents. School days were tough, lots of kids bullied me for not having parents, according to them I wasn't lovable enough hence they left me in this cruel world.

In the beginning I didn't believe them, but slowly reality started to hit. I know Allah SWT is there with everyone but even then I felt as if some part of me was missing. One day when I was getting bullied I met my bestfriend and ever since then we have been inseparable. He is the brother I never had. Always one call away. His family adores me a lot. They took me as their own baby. I may not have my parents with me, but I know I'm blessed to have so many people who love me dearly.

Lorenzo loves Alonzo and his parents alot. I don't get to see him much but I know he is happy to have me around them too. He just doesn't show it much, hehe. He likes to make himself appear a cold hearted person but I see past through his acts. He is amazing. I admire him for the way he looks after everyone in his family. We never spoke but I'm 100% sure he is a good person with a soft heart.

I was slowly starting to get more comfortable around him. I may have even developed a small crush on him but never dared to utter about this to anyone. Not even Alonzo. I knew I could never have Lorenzo as mine so I won't let this crush become something big. In Shaa Allah I will get over this soon. I pray that He provides Lorenzo with a partner who will love him the way he loves his family and even more.

By now I was getting completely comfortable around everyone. Today Alonzo informed me that Lorenzo wanted us to hangout. I was happy. I'll get to know more about him. About how much more of a good person he is.

I was late by 10 minutes. Moretti family had asked me to join them for breakfast so I was to leave early but my sleepyhead couldn't get much sleep last night. Any guesses why?... yup you got it, I got my periods. So my legs were hurting super bad and cramps weren't helping at all.

I reach at the Moretti's as always the maid opened the door and let me in straight away. Weird thing I noticed at the Moretti's was that they had lots of bodyguards around this place. Could be cause Lorenzo is a big businessman? Meh. I go inside and start greeting everyone one by one. I did notice that everyone around looked tensed but wasn't sure what the reason could be. I'm not someone who likes to put their nose in others business so I let it be.

I turned and looked at Lorenzo but he quickly looked away. I was confused cause he never did this before but didn't think much of it. Maybe he had a bad day. Then I see Mrs. Moretti get up and hug Lorenzo. I looked at Alonzo but he looked as if he was ready to cry. That's weird my bestfriend would never cry unless the reason was big. I see Mr. Moretti shake hands with Lorenzo. It looked almost as if they all were saying goodbye.

I see Alonzo walk towards Lorenzo and give him a hug. A good one minute hug. Lorenzo looks straight at me and just then Alonzo says something to him which makes Lorenzo look at him. Lorenzo looks at me one last time and starts leaving the room. Alonzo comes my way. Now that I know something big is happening my curiosity gets the best out of me.

"Is everything okay? Where is Lorenzo going? I thought we were gonna hangout today" I ask worried.

"Lorenzo has some business work so he had to leave urgently. He will be gone for 2 years to finish this project" Alonzo said looking outside the door.

"Oh! In Shaa Allah he will do good with this project. I'll make dua for him. Don't worry God helps everyone"

"I'm not worried for him, I'm worried for what he will do" he looked lost in his thoughts.

"God is there to guide him, In Shaa Allah" I reassured him.

"In Shaa Allah" I smiled. And In Shaa Allah He will guide you too.

Chapter 4
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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