72 | catching up

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I close my bedroom room, ready to go to college

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I close my bedroom room, ready to go to college. Today is finally the day I'll meet Sienna and Luna again. I'm quite nervous about it, but everything should be fine.

After mom and dad left Seattle, I left my apartment downstairs as it was. My belongings had already been arranged, so there was no need to prepare the rooms anymore.

Again, I'm not going to see Aiden for a few days, so I'm surely going to miss him.

I halt in front of his bedroom to see him again one last time before leaving. His door is slightly opened. I knock on it.

"Aiden?" I push the door and see him approaching me.

He's already dressed in his office suit.

"I was just about to go to your room." He pulls me closer and circles his arm around my waist, as though he doesn't want to let me go just yet.

I yelp, startled by his possessive move. He kisses me softly, but it turns bold and passionate in an instant. I sigh as he pulls away. I circle my arms around his neck, looking up at him.

My eyebrows raise as I see a frown on his lips. His gaze is fixed on my cleavage, and I realize that I didn't button my shirt properly. It's showing too much skin on my breasts.

"This..." I falter, biting my lower lip. He probably doesn't like the way I'm wearing it for college. "The button fell off. I didn't have time to fix it."

I know that it's a lame explanation. I didn't even bother to change my shirt because I thought that it was fine. Now that Aiden is staring at it with a serious expression, and after I double-check again how I present myself, I realize that it really is too revealing.

Aiden sighs and walks off. He's not even trying to hide the fact that he hates other guys checking out my body. I watch as he takes out something from his closet drawer.

"You can use this." He hands me a pin. It's an anchor brooch in silver and midnight blue color. It looks classy.

I beam at him. "Thank you."

I stand in front of the mirror and fix my shirt, replacing the button with the brooch. I'm satisfied with how I look right now. Besides not having to worry about the clothes being too revealing anymore, the brooch matches my white shirt and makes it look elegant.

Aiden hugs me from behind while we're looking in the mirror. He kisses my cheek.

"I'm going to meet Luna and Sienna at lunchtime," I say.

Aiden nods. "I'll see Luna later in the afternoon."

I sigh. Aiden doesn't look like he's going to release his arms around me anytime soon, but I know that we're going to be late. I turn around to face him, leaning into his embrace.

"It's just for a few days...right?" I whisper.

"Yeah." He smiles sadly and plants a soft kiss on my lips. "I'll see you soon, Heaven."

I return his smile, feeling the longing already building up inside me. "I'll see you soon."

After my class is over, I head to the coffee shop where Sienna and Luna are waiting for me

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After my class is over, I head to the coffee shop where Sienna and Luna are waiting for me. It's still inside my campus area, so it doesn't take long for me to reach the place from my faculty building.

The moment I push through the door, I spot them already settled at a table in the corner of the room.

"Nevaeh." Luna's cheerful voice echoes as they stand up to greet me.

A big smile spreads across my face as I totter toward them. I hug Sienna and then Luna before taking a seat.

"Oh my God. I missed you two," I say with excitement. "Have you been here long? You didn't have to pick me up. We can just meet at the restaurant."

We planned to have lunch together at another place, but Sienna insisted to meet me here.

Sienna shakes her head. "Nah, I want to see your new campus. I want to know if there are any hot professors around. Maybe I can help you snatch one."

I laugh at her joke before shifting my gaze to Luna. "I haven't seen you for so long, Luna," I say truthfully. The smile hasn't left my face because I'm so happy to see them again. "How are you?"

"I'm doing great," she says with a grin. "And you?"

"You look happy, Nev," Sienna chirps before I can answer. "I mean, I know that you're excited to see us, but..." She shrugs. "It just seems that... you're glowing, like you really enjoy living here."

I don't know how to respond. Sienna and I have known each other since we were babies, so it's no wonder that she can notice it.

Do I really look like an ecstatic bird that just flew away from its cage?

"I'm happy to see that," Sienna adds, and I can hear slight relief in her voice. I can see the same happiness glinting in her eyes.

"She's right. You're glowing with happiness, Nevaeh," Luna says, causing me to shift my attention to her. She's watching me with a smile on her face, resting her chin on her fists.

"So I've been right all along, haven't I?" Sienna lifts one of her eyebrows. A mischievous smirk creeps on her lips. "There's a boy."

"There's no one," I immediately say, maybe too fast. "Come on. I just got here, and you're already interrogating me?" I pout.

Sienna chuckles, leaning back on her chair and slurping her iced coffee. "Anyways, we've already ordered our drinks. You may want to order yours first before we go into the details."

I shake my head, sighing as I stand up. After I reach the counter, I scan the menu. I don't need much time to decide what to order. I pay at the cashier and return to the table with a cup of hot chocolate.

Sienna looks at my drink with surprise. "That's a change. I thought that you would order something with tea."

"They make really good hot chocolate here," I just say the first thing that pops up in my head and then switch the topic, "so how was your flight earlier? What are we going to do today?"

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