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[Helian 6th, 11th year of the 7th Sildiran Emperor, 3:00ST]

Ashen stepped inside a large courtyard with a hollow, circular garden at the center, with the garden's height just at the waist. The garden is divided into four parts, which allows people to walk inside and around the garden itself. The garden itself is quite huge, as huge as a stadium. And in front of Ashen is his new school. It was huge, grand. A castle that stretched in an arc, and looks to be three stories tall.

"...Wow. This castle is huge."

"Isn't it!?", an excited voice spoke up beside him.

"Whoa! Who art thou-"

Ashen looked at the boy that suddenly appeared. Said boy was a bit shorter than him, and roughly his age. He had black hair and brown eyes. Unlike Ashen who had purple eyes.

"You're a new student in this school right!?"


"I'm Raphael! Second year student!"

...oh. Seems like Raphael is older.


"Ashen? Cool! And what's that mark on your forehead?"


In all honesty, he's just really uncomfortable. He does not interact with people who are his age or a bit older, physically that is. Raphael didn't pry about his flame mark, thankfully.

"Well, can I tag along? I can lead you to your room! If I guessed right, you're a new student and just enrolled, so you must be going to the right wing on the first floor!"

"...How'd you know?"

"Ashen! New students in Querencia First Magic Academy always stare at the castle and say something about its size! You happen to be the one I overheard saying the exact same thing!"

...That... Makes sense.

On the way, Ashen and Raphael talked, and slowly, Ashen felt comfortable around Raphael that his responses are fast and easy, not slow and apprehensive. After a long walk (a walk that deserved to be ridden on a horse! Raphael said he'll get used to it soon) he arrived in his room, and Raphael separated. He rushed over to the academy's left wing, where his class would be.

Wait... why do I have the feeling that something will go wrong?

"Alright kids, settle down!", a female, adult voice is heard as she stands on the room's front table. Behind her is a blackboard wall, and across her are 50-some students that are seated in a slight arc around the room, with ten students in each row, and five in a single column. Ashen happened to be seated in the fourth row, fifth column.

"I will be your homeroom teacher, Dawn Grey Avaretia. In the morning session, we will dedicate two hours to three subjects, history, mathematics, and sciences, and one for your lunchtime. And in the afternoon, it will be magic."

Most, if not all students complained but Ashen didn't. He's had far worse of a packed schedule. Especially Wednesdays and Thursdays. Now to endure the long 3 hours... 240 minutes. Not funny. Not nice.


Far outside the academy grounds, at the forest behind said academy, a cloaked and hooded figure started to speak. On their hands is a staff with a golden orb on top.

"Slowly, slowly, fall asleep. The gentle wind sings a soft lullaby that covers a storm. With her lullaby, fall asleep, fall fall fall, into the land of dreams."

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