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My Dearest Lou

Today marks a fortnight that I have been residing at Ravensfield and I rue the day I ever accepted the invitation to Lady Adams's introductory ball issued to me by the footman who rapped upon our door all that time ago.

It seems I am never to leave these hallowed halls. If I am not being harangued by the damn matchmaker, then it is the hostess herself insisting upon my company- of all things. I do believe that with her sister being preoccupied with the dragon since he stole her away several days ago, Lady Adams is rather beside herself with worry and doesn't quite know what do, especially seeing as Miss Lillian explicitly told her to leave her be.

Can you imagine? Alone and secluded with a man like that...

Which would explain Lady Adams's intention to befriend me... I do not recall ever being surrounded by so many individuals with a genuine, invested interest in my person, which is making this ordeal all the more, dare I say, complicated. Do you recall how difficult it was for me to secure one solitary invitation to tea during my first week making the rounds as newly arrived Miss Cotton?

Well, the peculiar thing, Lou, is that I am not even being too peculiar. And even when I emphasize my oddness, I think they seem to like me more for it! I have always been mindful of some of my more prevalent quirks and been sure to mute them when interacting with others... but that simply isn't the case at Ravensfield.

I do not quite know what to make of it.

Oh, bother... you did tell me not to bore you with events that weren't titillating, and my problems certainly aren't all that extraordinary. You would be far more interested in the looming scandals the Ravensfield sisters are sure to cause. First, Lady Mildred Adams and all that terrible drama with her cousin, and then running off with one of those Beastkeepers we used to giggle about-

Let me tell you I can certainly vouch for their size. They are even more astounding than what we imagined- gossip has failed their prowess as strapping males, I fear. They are remarkably cordial and courteous, of course, and so very eager to see to the needs of any woman in the nearby vicinity. Well, all of them except one. But he can be excused over his ordeal I suppose, as he mostly skulks in the shadows with a bottle of liquor, his temperament foul and ominous.

Definitely worth avoiding, that one.

I believe I am rambling and going terribly awry with the contents of this letter. I do hope you manage to make some sense of it.

I must thank you for your correspondence and keeping me availed of my sister's wellbeing. Cassie is astute and mature enough to keep herself well out of trouble, but I do worry about her. I had never intended to linger on as long as I have at Ravensfield, but I do believe I have been making some good allies and some good friends. I wonder, do you think I should insist Cassie join me? I do worry about taking her away from her schooling for several days. And Miss Agatha is a good enough chaperone for the time being.

On that note, do not feel the need to indulge me of Aggie's intoxicated antics. Using a lampshade as a bonnet is hardly the news I wish to avail myself of, especially if it concerns aged Miss Agatha.

You will be most pleased to know I have trained Otto to complete two more tricks! He now stands on his hind legs on command and is quite adept at organising wooden blocks I have whittled into small shapes.

I must sign off as presently Lady Adams is convening downstairs for tea and I just remembered a vulgar anecdote to tell everyone present.

All my love,

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