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Rogane was sent to track the stranger. Unfortunately, no time had been spared and the Other hound hadn't been allotted a moment to rest and replenish.

Izzy vowed to lavish the creature with a hefty bone and plenty of treats upon its return, so the guilt of utilising it during such a time didn't linger for far too long. Besides, the fae creatures were made of sturdier stuff than their fickle human counterparts.

That notion alone allowed Izzy to take solace in the fact that Kaede, wherever he was, would also be faring as well as he could be.

"I would have found this fellow far quicker," Aëghan pointed out from where he reclined near the lit hearth of the parlour room, "had I been allowed to take to the skies."

"Had you been allowed," Blayne said, "you would not return, my friend."

The Dravolese snorted disparagingly at that, but made no further remark about his lack of dragon form. "This is taking too long. That fool has obviously gotten lost."

"Rogane is our best tracker," Blayne returned calmly. "Now that you are one of us, Dranora, you could start to place trust in our abilities as we do in yours."

"I am not one of you."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"If it weren't for your wife's rather lovely sister," Aëghan drawled, an insinuating glint in his midnight eyes, "I wouldn't even be here. Lillian insisted I help the useless lot of you because she knows as well as I that the only being able to get anything accomplished in this room is me."

"Probably sent you away to rid herself of the incessant self-aggrandising," Caëlhon droned with a roll of his eyes.

Izzy considered the males occupying her living quarters from where she stood near a window, arms folding about her waist while she waited with an impatient air for Rogane's return. They bicker and squabble like siblings, and had been for some time. Blayne, normally more composed of the lot, seemed to temper the flares of agitation whenever one of the others took their words a bit too far, but overall she sensed that there was no real antagonism between them.

Not anymore, at least. She recalled Lady Mildred telling her of Aëghan's strife with the Beastkeepers not so long ago, but she supposed that had changed the moment the male had found his heartmate in Lady Lillian Adams.

Overall, however, they formed one very large, unconventional family unit composed of misfits, outcasts and broken individuals that had somehow come together to form a whole. Her heart made a little putter of movement within her chest at how easily the Ravensfield sisters had welcomed such souls into their midst, offering them protection and loyalty without so much as asking anything in return other than a friendship.

Much the same way they had offered the same things to her and Cassie.

When Rogane did return to the townhouse, it was some hours later. A new day was beginning to dust the overcast skies with dim grey light and Cassie had retired for the evening. Lou, bless her, had insisted on staying to support Izzy in her time of need, but had drifted off to sleep on one of the settees near where Caël reposed.

Exhaustion lingered heavily over Izzy's body, yet she knew she would not be able to rest... not until she knew where Kaede was and whether he was safe- better yet, preferably returned to her.

Rogane entered the parlour room, his boots caked with drying mud, his attire wrinkled and lined with a thin sheen of dust. His normally swarthy skin looked pale and weary, the arduous journeys of the day prior taking its toll on all the Beastkeepers, but him most of all.

The Beastkeeper's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now