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"okay so, me & steph are going on a trip, but auston agreed to stay with you."

"mitch im 23, ill be okay." i said.

i've barely been here 2 weeks and im being left with auston for the week.

"to late." auston said from the couch.

"ill be fine." i said louder

"i dont feel comfortable leaving you here for a week with the girls." mitch said

"but i gotta be here with auston." i joked

"hey, im a delight!" auston said

"he's staying in the guest bedroom."

"when do yall leave?" i asked

"like soon." mitch smiled

"like soon." i mocked

"you're gonna have a good time with auston." mitch said

there was a knock at the door and mitch opened it, i saw steph.

she was so much better than me. she had the cute hair, cute clothes & she is gorgeous!

me? im a single mother with twins, hair is constantly in a messy bun, i have a sweatshirt & sweats on 24/7, with food on me.

"you two have fun. no parties, no drinking, no sneaking out, no drugs, dont steal anything, and dont get arrested, while were gone."

"yes dad." auston said

"can we do those things after you're back?" i asked

"shut up maggie. bye guys." he said

"bye, have fun." i said

they left, closing the door to the house.

"whos ready to party?" auston said to the girls

"they're ready to nap." i said

"let them stay up mom." he said

i looked at him funny, "do you want to deal with them when they get moody?"

"probably not." he smiled

"do you at least want to help feed them?" i asked


i made the bottles and handed one to auston, before handing him adley.

"hey adley." he smiled, he looked at her monogrammed shirt

"adley, we got the same initials."

"really?" i asked

i started feeding mattie.

"yeah, whats her middle name?"

"taylour. adley taylour."

"my middle names taylour. its spelled t-a-y-l-o-u-r."

"thats how hers is spelled, the canadian way." i smiled

"thats cool." he said

the girls fell sleep then auston & i put them in their cribs.

"why dont you go take a nap." he said

"im good. i need to clean their bottles and stuff anyway." i shrugged it off, but in all honesty i was tired.

i started cleaning their bottles when auston spoke.

"so tell me about yourself." auston said sitting at the bar infront of me.

"what do you want to know?" i smiled

"you and mitch are siblings?"

"...adopted siblings. were actually cousins but i was 15 i entered foster care for some family reasons and bonnie took kinship of me then adopted me at 16, we never told people that we were siblings, we always said cousins because it easier to explain. i got a good job at 16, graduated high school 9th in my class. i moved to college and i got pregnant with the twins so i left college and started working again. i fell on hard times about 3 weeks ago, raising 2 babies by yourself is hard and expensive, and mitch found out from mom and told me to move in with him. i told him i didnt need too and that everything was okay but he knew i needed him." i rambled "im sorry, you didn't need to know that whole-"

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