𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒙. Family

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DAEMIAN AND RHAENELLE WEREthe first to step out of the carriage when they arrived at the Red Keep

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the first to step out of the carriage when they arrived at the Red Keep. They, along with Aedith, have never been in King's Landing; and to say the least, they were excited.

Rhaemax, Jaelyx, Aeva, and Aedith all raced to be next out of the carriage, they too were filled with excitement. It had been years since the older three had seen their family. They've only spoke through ravens throughout the years.

Aenora and Daemon were the last to exit the carriage. As for them, they weren't as excited to return to Kings Landing. But, Aenora had to be there for her sister for the birth of her third child, as she was there for her first two. This time she decided her to bring her children, as babes she didn't like making them travel.

"Nyra!" Aenora smiled once her eyes landed on her, very pregnant, sister.

"Nora!" Rhaenyra returned the smile.

The two were quick to embrace eachother in a hug.

Aenora remembered all the times when they were just children, with no cares in the world. Oh how she missed her childhood.

"My dearest Aenora," Viserys appeared on her side.

"Father," Aenora went to hug him. "I've missed you both."

"We've missed you too," Viserys smiled.

Daemon stepped up and greeted them, "Brother, niece."

Daemon hadn't seen either of them in ten years, as he was the one who stayed with the children on Dragonstone while Aenora would return on Vyr.

"Uncle," Rhaenyra greeted with a light embrace.

"Daemon, it's been awhile. I'm assuming you've been with your children?" Viserys asked.

"I have," Daemon said plainly.

Aenora brought Daemian, Rhaenelle, and Aedith i'm front of her.

"Speaking of our children, you have yet to meet these three." Aenora looked at the three, "This is Daemian and Rhaenelle, my twins i have told you so much about."

Daemon held Aediths, "And this is Aedith."

Viserys looked at the three children, who resembled their parents so much. He was filled with happiness and pride. His eldest daughter was a mother, a good one at that. Aenora reminded him so much of Aemma. As she grew older she began to look more and more like her.

"Grandsire," Rhaenelle hugged him.

Viserys smiled at Aenora as he hugged the child back.

Daemian was next to hug his grandfather.

The twins had been looking forward to this day for a long time. Their mother and father had told them stories about Viserys all the time, as well as their other siblings.

Aenora smiled as she looked around.

"Little brothers and little sister!" Aenora said once she found her half siblings.

Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond all smiled at their older sister, rushing past their mother to greet Aenora.

"Sister," Helaena smiled widely.

"Oh how the three of you have grown. Max, Alex, Aeva come here, meet your aunt and uncles." Aenora waved to her other three.

Aenora and Daemon left their children to stand by Rhaenyra. Jacaerys and Lucerys also left their mothers side to meet their cousins.

Aenora watched all the children interact. Her heart was warmed at the sight of everyone getting along for once. It's been a long time since everything was simply about family, usually everything was so serious.

"Your fathers right, Aenora." Alicent walked up to the three, "You have beautiful children."

Over the years, Aenora has grown to accept that Alicent was apart of their family and let go of everything she held against her. Still, she didn't exactly love her, but she did see her as family.

Aenora reached for Alicents hand, "As do you, Alicent. You have given me more siblings like I've always wanted. For that, I thank you."

"I'm glad your back, your siblings have missed you. They really do adore you, Aenora, ever since they were little. Even as babes, you've brought them a sense of comfort. I never knew how you did it. I never could," Alicent spoke truthfully.

Aenora thought about what she said for a moment. It was true, Alicent never knew how to comfort her own children. Maybe it was because she was a child herself. Or maybe it was because she didn't have a mother of her own to teach her.

Aenora felt for the woman.

She wouldn't know what to to is she didn't know how to comfort her own children. Aenora was grateful she could.

"She was meant to be a mother," Daemon told Alicent.

Aenora and Alicent shared a smile before turning to look at their children and Viserys.

Daemon and Rhaenyra also shared a glance. Both utterly confused on why all of a sudden Aenora cares to even talk to Alicent.

Rhaemax and Jaelyx were talking to their grandfather while the other children talked amongst themselves.

Aegon, Daemian, Helaena, and Rhaenelle we're all speaking in a small group, and Aeva and Aemond had their own conversation.  And as for Aedith, she insisted on staying at her fathers side

"You're a lot taller than the last time I saw you, Aeva." Aemond said to the girl.

Aeva rolled her eyes and laughed, "I was three the last time we were together, Aemond. Of course I'm taller."

"I'm still taller than you," Aemond joked.

"We're the same height, idiot. I might grow to be taller than you," Aeva grinned.

"Hm. No, I don't think so. Not taller than me. Maybe Aegon or your brothers, but not me." Aemond assured. "I must tell you something, though."

Aeva tilted her head curiously, "Go on. Tell me."

"I like your dress. You look very pretty," Aemond whispered to her.

Aeva chuckled. A small tint of pink flushed her face. "Thank you," Aeva said.

"Are you not going to compliment me?" Aemond asked, smiling.

"No. No I am not," Aeva told him before running away.

Aemond quickly chased after her.

Aenora smiled as she saw the two playing together. She never realized she wanted a big family until she had her children. But now that they were all together with their cousins, aunts and uncles, grandfather and other, it only made it better.


Aeva & Aemond content. . .
hennyways, sorry it took so long to get a chapter out. i'll probably post another one of my drafts tonight. but like always, thoughts?

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