Part 104

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Dave POV

"I-I swear I didn't—I wouldn't." She cried
"Shooter I swear, c'mon y'all know me. I would've never done that to you— to LILY!" She argued as the tears came down like a flood.
"Safi we ain't accused you or nothing." Shooter looked at her crazy.
" I know how it looks, don't play me for a fool Duane. I admit I may have told them niggas that you killed Loco but you gotta understand I was just pissed off and hurt. You killed the man that I loved!"
"So what? What that means Santana?" I was getting a little irritated with all the crying and shit. Plus now it almost seem like she making excuses or looking for sympathy she not gon get that from me whether she meant for allat to go down or not.
"It means I was hurt and mad. I had no ill intensions I was just venting. If I knew those idiots would have tried to kill you I would've never said anything."
"You certain on that?"
"W-what? How could you even ask me that shit. East you're my friend yunno that. Why tf would I do some snake shit like that to you? The father of my friend's child and homie to Shooter. That doesn't make any fuccin sense and I can't cap it hurt that you'd even think that."
"I just asked if you were certain cause like YOU said I did kill the nigga you loved. You think I ain't noticed how you got cold wit me after I smoked Loco? I noticed but I ain't give a fucc to address it. You ain't my lady and I know for a fact I would've done it again if I had the chance."
"I may have been cold witchu but I was grieving East. I got over it especially when it really hit me that Loco was in the wrong. He would've done the same thing for me if someone threatened my life-
"Nah but Lily life wasn't just threatened. Niggas really tried to kill her, pregnant and all just like they tried to get East and the only reason they knew East was involved is because you ran yo mouth girl." Shooter cut in sounding fed up.
"I don't know what else to say to you guys. I feel awful and I'm sorry, truly. I couldn't stand seeing Lily so down when you were in the hospital and it would've eaten me alive if I knew at the time that I was partially to blame. I'll do whatever to fix this I swear."
"Nah you most definitely done enough. Let the real killers handle em fools. You just try to remember what a snitch is, next time you get in yo feelings."
May have sounded kinda harsh but fucc it. Sure as hell, I would've never imagined that I'd walk into Safi's crib for her to admit that she told em niggas I off'd ole dude without even knowing the weight of that confession. I don't think I want Lily knowing this because lord alone knows how she gon react.

*Incoming Call from Millie*


I need you to come get Kairi

I can't right now. I'm on the move, wassup?

I wanna go get my hair done. I don't have anywhere to drop her off. I'll drop her off for your parents-

They ain't home. They by family in Brooklyn

Nigga then wtf ami supposed to do. I got an appointment-

You ain't remember you got a daughter when you made your appointment? You can't just do you and spring Kairi on whoever when it's convenient to you

Nigga don't full my head with nunadatshit. Where Aaliyah at?

Aaliyah nine months pregnant with our daughter at home. She love Kairi but I ain't gon drop her on her account right now. That ain't her responsibility. She not Kairi mom nor is she her nanny.

Wow aren't you fuccin considerate. All of a sudden she can't watch Kairi when it's actually convenient to me?

She do that out of the goodness in her and our situation but she ain't really obligated and like I said she pregnant Millie. Fucc I look like dropping two kids on her account for?

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