Part 129

812 36 9

Lily POV

Okay so a baecation after a wedding is called a honeymoon, right? So whatever you call it when its before the wedding, yeah that's my current status

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Okay so a baecation after a wedding is called a honeymoon, right? So whatever you call it when its before the wedding, yeah that's my current status.

David and I are currently on baecation in Jamaica and it feels so good to be without the kids. I love my children but having time to ourselves especially after everything is well needed. After our mini family vacation, we've been totally consumed between wedding preparations, regular business and Dave getting back on his feet and restoring his image after being arrested. It was a lot happening at once and of course we managed even with support from our team and family.

With the wedding plans all set, now the only thing left to do is wait until our wedding day. I'm elated to say the least but I'm soaking in every remaining day as Aaliyah Fenty cause baby once I start calling myself Aaliyah Brewster, I won't shut up about it..Issa wife.

In fact, it's crazy that we actually have two weddings to attend before ours. I've got to say Danny getting engaged was the last thing anyone expected. It all happened so fast even she would tell you that. They haven't been dating for THAT long and their wedding is before ours. Hell, Danny is still heavily pregnant so it almost seems like they're rushing it but I'm not judging. You can't put a timer on love or happiness. Besides I honestly couldn't be happier for my friend. Danny has been through hell and back with the male species starting with the ex everyone knows her for. I can't imagine dating a huge star like Chris Brown and have my life be publicized like that at the age where she probably made the most mistakes in life. Having to get on the internet and see people judge your actions and scrutinize you despite being hard on yourself, she's strong for even getting through that and more. I always wished happiness un abundance for myself and the entire crew not just my girls but the guys as well because they deserve it. No matter how dog some of them are at heart I think we all should be loved right and treated like we're the most important thing in someone's life. That's all Safi truly wanted but she went about it the wrong way and made mistakes she couldn't correct which cost her her life. Sometimes I think and wonder what would life be like if she and Shooter were still around. What would our friend group look like? We've all changed so much and rightfully so. We've grown up. Kaedan didn't make it into the NBA like he hoped and fell back into the streets. I wish he would find something better to do with his life. Hell, he could teach basketball at school like my dad did for years but i guess that's beneath him at the end of the day.

Karla kind of got distant with the group since she moved out of New York but like always we will link up once she's in the city. It's only right anyway.

"You ready to go mamas?"

"Yeah I don't wanna be late." David began packing our stuff up because in a while we have to go bamboo rafting. I see people post their pictures and experiences of it all over social media. Once we booked that flight to Jamaica, it's literally the first thing I said we had to do so I'm super excited. I absolutely love our trips as a couple. Before Dave I never experienced a baecation. Then again, I was a college student when we met who had the time for that back then? Let's not forget that I had a cheating ass boyfriend, God rest his soul. We're always so in love when we're young and heartbroken when the relationship ends thinking we just lost the best thing in our lives, whole time that person was nothing but a learning experience—a lesson. Keith made a whole baby on me and then shortly lost his life. Now Stacey somewhere out there with a baby and no daddy. If I were a terrible person I'd say that's her karma but I healed from the things that hurt me a long time ago. Plus I would never wish that on anyone.

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