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So, Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope looks super cool and I'm excited for it.

I love the characters and while I haven't played it yet, I have seen people who got it early play it on YouTube and it got me even more excited.

So to celebrate, here's a story for the game.

Here you will be Dark Rabbit from the Bloody Bunny series, a sword-wielding badass bunny with the power of anime.

Hope you like it.


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Dark Rabbid
Emotaku (by Edge)
Black Knightmare (by Midnite)

Edge (Former)
Giant Wild Claw

Princess Peach
Hero Rabbids

Not much is known about you and you like to keep it that way.

No one even knows why you serve Cursa so loyaly except those who are close to you such as Edge and Midnite.

The 3 of you were always close until Edge betrayed you and the other Spark Hunters.

This left you very torn, but you seemed to have let go of all your emotion and focus on flowing Cursa's orders.

When you first confronted Mario Beep-0 and Rabbid Peach you refused to even speak to them coming across as serious and merciless.

You only spoke to them when Cursa showed up.

You will always choose the most efficient tactic to eliminate foes as you hate wasting time.

You are cool calm and collected, even in the most intense of situations and that combined with your intelligence makes you dangerous in combat.

You take pride in your fighting ability and are interested in testing your might against strong opponents.

You are quite a determined little monster as it takes a lot for you to back down from a fight.

You only back down if Cursa orders you to or if Midnite convinces you to.

You find absolutely no joy in fighting those who can't defend themselves and if a foe is weaponless you won't bother fighting them showing you have a sense of honor.

You also seem to care about your allies such as the time you saved Midnite from the heroes when they fought in her mansion.

This is a side both Midnite and Edge like to see as it shows you haven't completely changed.

Dark Spark: (Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope x Male Dark Rabbit Reader) Where stories live. Discover now