7🌸 A peculiar and a scourge

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He...has grey eyes. Sara thought as she looked at him with unbreakable attention while Nazareth was busy checking her practice questions.
"Here...you made so many calculation mistakes." He says while handing her the notebook.
He is like an ordinary person with certain highlighted features Sara thought as she took her notebook while still observing him.
"You're too slow to grab things." Nazareth says coldly.
His behavior is not too welcoming, but still, I get a strange feeling when I am around him. She says loudly in her head while still looking at him.
Sara was busy solving problem sums when Nazareth stood up and went up to the window from where the backfield of the university was clearly visible. It was already 3:30 pm and by this time the University gets almost silent with fewer physical education faculties and it's students who were busy practicing for their upcoming soccer match, whose sputtering was coming to the department. Nazareth was watching the students keenly while occasionally reacting at the match. Sometimes he joins the brows focusing when the boys manage to reach up to the goal , the other time he makes a fist of his hand and throws it to the air in frustration when the goal gets missed, releases a sigh of relief when a team secures a goal. Sara was sitting on her chair and watching Nazareth without a blink.
Suddenly, Nazareth turned back to her while Sara got startled as if she was caught red-handed as she started looking here and there to avoid any eye contact.
"It's time now for you to go back home." Says Nazareth.
"Huh? Yeah..!" Saying this, she quickly gets hold of her things and starts moving out.
"Miss Sara Roy." Called Nazareth when Sara stopped with a jerk.
She got confused thinking as to why he was calling her out of the blue when she turned back slowly.
"This...(showing the smartwatch watch) is that yours?" Says Nazareth.
"Ah..! This! Thanks!" Says Sara with a bright smile while tying the watch around her wrist.
"Whatever..." He says in whisper while grabbing his bag and moving out, knowing that it was him who had initially thrown it.
He's so peculiar... can't even expect a welcome.. Thought Sara as she moved out of the department.

Sara was sitting in the class preparing for the test while Ishan was sitting next to her, ears covered with headphones, grooving, when Nia came running and started speaking with a zest in voice.
"Guys-Guys! I just came across a pamphlet of The Euforia Meet which our University is organising! I'm so excited about this!"
"You get excited even for a funeral." Says Rudra one of their classmates who was famous for his rude, rowdy and ill-mannered behavior.
"And you could cry even in merry-making. Anyways, who's up for the meet!" Says Nia while her classmates cheer while hooting.
"Sarah! You're joining us, right!?" Asks Nia while taking her seat.
"She doesn't like parties." Says Ishan while taking out his headphones.
"Really? Sara, please don't be a spoil sport! Since everybody is joining."
The students were extremely hyped about the Euforia Meet, some were tapping the table while the others were hooting, the girls were planning about their dresses while the guys were excited for a hook up. Basically, the whole class was a mess until Nazareth walked in and saw the class creating noise.
"Silence." Says Nazareth in a slow sly voice which made the whole class turn quite immediately.
"I don't find anything so interesting about hooting so early like animals."
"We were just a little excited about the Euforia Meet, Prof. We really wanna join it. Um, when is the Meet?" Says Yuki, the class representative
"On what page were we yesterday?" Asks Nazareth while Yuki finds it hard to reply.
"Seems it would be better for you to know the happenings in class before knowing the happenings of university." Says Nazareth sarcastically while making the students smile with pressed lips while Yuki feels embarrassed.
What a Sadist he is! Think Sara as she looks at him with narrow eyes.

"Sarah! Please join us for the party! It will be fun, seriously!" Says Nia making a puppy face.
"Ah..I can't..I don't have a proper dress."
"So what!? I'll give you mine. You'll look hot and curvy!" Nia says with an enticing tone which alerts Ishan who was walking beside them in the corridor as both Ishan and Nia were making their way out for their respective homes while Sara was leaving for the department for her extra class.
"Hot! You! You don't need to give her your clothes. They are way too tight and... skinny! You only said that the theme is Saree, all covered." Says Ishan.
"Whatever she wears, why do you care?" Nia asks.
"Because I'm her guardian." Relies Ishan in a snap.
"Cut the crap! Nia, I'll think about it." Says Sara.
"You know what! It's the best time for us to see the other sides of the faculties, too! I really wanna see how they'll dress up with all that glitz n glam!" Says Nia in excitement.
"Do...the faculties too..join us?" Ask Sara slowly when Nia nodded.

Till The SpringOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora