Chapter One - Running

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Eden Pov

Running and more running. I have been running for who knows how long. I mean I am being chased so what else can I do besides run?

The reason I am being chased is that I am the embarrassment of my pack. I am an omega, and that says a lot about that. Being an omega is not the whole thing, I am also mute. Who knew a 2 in 1 package deal, how nice. If you really wanted to be technical it came from genetics. Hence the question, how is it my fault for being born as an omega and mute?

Besides my "disabilities," I am known as the second child of the Ferreira family. My family is the beta family of the Midnight Rose pack. Our pack may not be the biggest, but it is the fourth largest. Zachary Ferreira, my father is the current beta, and Amari Ferreira, my mother is also considered as a beta which brings her to be the second beta. They were the ones who were supposed to have my back. But no, they have instead allowed for the indecency of me getting kicked out of the pack.

Well, who needs a pack or parents anyways? Honestly, I need them, but I cannot admit that. They provide food, water, and a warm bed which I do not receive anymore. Other than that, I was treated horrendously and only one person really cared about me, my sister Vivian Ferreira, my parents' pride, and joy.

It might have been a good thing, but I never wanted this to happen to me. Now here I am running away so I do not get murdered. As an omega, I have speed and agility which is good for this situation. Alphas and Betas may have enhanced strength and everything that I do but I easily outran them because they are too lazy to go all out on a small omega.

Where do I go from here though? I have only really left the pack lands once or twice and I have no money to use so I need to stick to the forest. The forest is a last resort and is one of the scariest things for me. People have gone missing in the forest and all my life I was told to stay away from it but here I am.

Once the other wolves gave up on the chase, I was able to catch my breath and slow down. I mindlessly walked through the forest as if it were second nature to me which is kind of because I am a wolf. Everything was going well before I realized that I stepped into a different pack's territory. I hear howling all around me, which stopped me from hopping in the snow, which I have been struggling with because my wolf form is small even for an omega.

After hearing the howls, I decided the better choice was to lie down in the snow, which was extremely comfortable to my surprise. Should I really wait? What if I am just waiting for my death? Bad thoughts. Eden stops thinking, I told myself.

I began waiting for whichever pack I accidentally walked into to find me. This is not smart, but I have not eaten in around five days, and it would be a hassle if they caught me running away very slowly and I would be deemed pathetic.

If I do not run, I could be killed by this pack because my own pack is not exactly known for being the best. Is it still considered my pack thought? I was kicked out, so I do not know anymore. All my pack cares about are control and power.

I want to get up and run away now but my legs are too tired. The only choice was to stay in my position. I start to whine a little bit because I am unsure of what the outcome will be, and I am scared. My mind started to make up stories before I could hear the thuds of paws coming in my direction. This may just be the most stressful day in my whole life. I mean I just escaped from people who want to kill me which was just a bunch of near-death experiences and now I am waiting to see if I am about to be in the same situation.

Arcadia, my wolf started to whine inside my head which rarely happens unless in such a dire situation. I have lost all hope.

My rampant thoughts are interrupted by a loud snap of a branch. My head snapped in the direction of the sound. Suddenly I am met with the most pleasing scent of chocolate and roses. The scent drove Arcadia insane; he ran circles in my head whilst screaming "mate" repeatedly in my head.

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