Sahih Muslim 746

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Eyes so beautiful, he had to avert them so people wouldn't stare for too long. Smile so bright and kind, that people could see through night as thought it is daytime.

Voice gentle and caring like a mother.

Eyes so wet from how much he cried for his people, to his lord. 

The gentle look in his eyes when he played with the orphan children.

A patience so strong that he would suffer for eternity and still somehow manage to smile.

A man so romantic with his wives, never once raising his hand or voice at them.

This is how I imagined the sahabah saw the prophet. Aisha RA specifically called him a walking Quran. 

The Quran is perfection.

That could only mean so was he, right?

I want to die. Not because I am sad and depressed and tired. But because I want to meet him. I want to drink from that special spring of water in his hands. I want to laugh and hug him as we speak of how we worshipped Allah SWT. I want to tell him how amazing he was, and how much he helped me.

I always imagine how beautiful heaven must be, but the fact that it's even greater than what I'm imagining brings me to tears each time.

He is waiting for us, hands cupped with water that we will one day get to drink inshallah.

Watching and listening to Bilal say the adhan.

Laughing with Abu Bakr RA.

Resting with his wife, Khadija RA

And hugging us, his ummah.

But the greatest thing of all, something I can never stop thinking about, is inshallah the day The prophet SAW and I sit down and talk to Allah SWT as we admire him, laugh with him and feel as though not a second has passed when in truth it has been a trillion years.

I love the prophet SAW so much. But I love god more, I love the one who made him more. Thank you for making and giving us the prophet SAW, Ya Rabbi SWT.

But I must ask.

When will you rest, my prophet?

Why is it that when you lived, you wept while others laughed?

Why is it that you have already prayed so much for me and my people, that no matter how much I sin, I shall be forgiven?

Why is it that you worry for me, yet I was born centuries after you?

No, I know why. 

It's because of Allah SWT isn't it?

Inshallah, why don't you tell me when we meet in Firdous?

God I love my religion.

Place questions here.

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