Chapter Twenty Three, Not Ready

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Point Of View - Elma Farfalla Bianchi

      Now waking up from footsteps entering my room. "Hey I was the one supposed to wake her up, not you." A whisper came from the right side of the bed guessing it's Luca's voice. Waking me up in an unhappy way for revenge, Dude.

      "Then why did I come?" The person on the left guessing from the voice it's Romeo.

      "You just wanted to accompany me." Luca angrily replied back.

       This is so much fun listening to them but I need to go to the bathroom. "You know you guys woke me up when you entered the room." I rub my eyes as they both jumped back in shock.

       "How? W-We were very quiet!" Romeo's shocked voice and face.

       "No, you opened the door and it creaked." I gave them a serious look back.

      Romeo relaxes while Luca is still expecting surprises. "Father told us to wake you up and breakfast is right now." My youngest older brother made it clear.

      Now groaning as I get out of the bed. "Hey Guard Turn On My Lights." I announced in the room.

      Both of my brothers looked at me with jealousy. "What, how did you have one?" Luca blurted out while his eyes searched for the device.

      Then Romeo whined out. "But Father told us that we could not have a smart Guard."

      I could not help chuckling because both of them are acting like kids right now. "I never asked Dad" I said back to them in a teasing way.

      "Then how do you have one?" Romeo wondered, trying to understand what was going on.

      Ug do I have to explain to them but they're gonna keep asking me if I don't get them an answer. "I bought it from my apartment." I told them while getting out of my bed and then started making my bed.

      "Wait!" Romeo shrieked out for a second and then asked the real question to me. "What apartment? I thought you lived with your step father?" He did just call Dale my stepfather.

      Now blocking my emotions I shove Romeo to the wall while holding his neck in a choke hold. "Don't You Dare Call Him My Stepfather!" I snapped at him very hard and his face was full of fear.

      I let him go then Luca suggested to Romeo to let me get dressed. "Thank you Luca!" I turned back to my bubbly wall of emotion. They both quickly schurd out of my room. Sometimes I wish I could kill them but I can't since they are my brothers.

      Once I got dressed in some black jeans, a gray halter shirt with a blue jean jacket. Now looking at myself in my long closet mirror making sure everything is covered or checked. Next I grab my personal phone then my two mini spear point pocket knives before leaving my room.

       "Good morning Principessa! (Princess!)" Dad announced in the living room from the table. Please don't bring up what happened earlier.

      "Good morning to you too, Dad." I replied with a cheerful smile as I went around the kitchen island. Hm, what do I want for breakfast?

      "How was your night?" Dad asked me as he set down a business and finance magazine from New York.

      Not good but he doesn't need to know that. "Good!" I beamed with joy as I searched the cabinets.

      Seriously, the honey oat cereal was next to oatmeal! Who to put the oatmeal next to the cereal boxes. Now Dad came up to the kitchen island. He stood on the other side of the island for a moment. "I need to talk to you about school Principessa. (Princess.)"

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