Chapter Two, Getting Away

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Point Of View - Elma Rose

      Creek, the door to the basement opens again, waking me up. Now a shiver down my spine because I can't defend myself. I should have listened to Papa. He was right, a tear came down my cheek. Looking up and it's Natasha. She sees how badly beaten I am by pissing off Dale. "You're Happy Now!" I used my angry voice at her.

      Just looking at her face was red like someone slapped her and just looking at her wrists someone had been hard on her. "I am sorry..." She trembled in fear. "We need to leave right now while they are away." Natasha panics and I nodded back to her. She picks me up and puts my arm above her shoulder.

      We headed to the living room and Natasha set me down on the couch. "I am gonna get my stuff from my room. I suggest you do the same thing." I told her while getting up and limping to the stairs pushing through the pain.

      "You're right and I am sorry for what I have been doing but in public. But I am still gonna act the same as you got it!" She pointed her pointer finger at me while standing in front of the stair to the attic.

      "Ok, Deal!" I hold out my hand to her. She takes it after a minute to think and shacks it. Natasha moves out of the wall and goes to her room. I go up the stairs while leaning to the wall for support. When in a crappy room that only has boxes of crap, a mattress with no frame and a broken mirror. I flip the mattress and pull out my stuff and put it in my backpack.

      Now down the stairs and on the couch with my feet on the coffee table. "Are You Done Yet? We Need To Leave!" I yell towards Natasha's room. Currently I am worried that Dale and Debra will be home soon.

      "I Am Coming!" She yelled back at me. I heard a thump and I turned to see Natasha pulling a suitcase behind her.

     "Let's Go. My Car Is Two Driveways Down." I informed her while going out the front door with my crutches. Once at the car I uncovered it and unlocked it Natasha got in the passenger seat. Before she could ask where we were going, "We are going to a motel." I stated at her as I turned on the car and started driving. 

      Natasha looked me in the eyes. "And Then What? We Are Runaways Now, Elma!" Her voice was practically yelling at me.

       I stop the car quickly and Natasha joult forwards. "Cool It Or I Will Kick You Out Of The Car Natasha!" I yelled and glared at her.

      She looked like a ghost when seeing my face. "Fine!" She trembled back at me.

      That reminds me that we could miss school but we have a test. "Also we are not skipping school tomorrow." I declared to Natasha.

      "What No Way, Elma!" She looked at me dead.

      "Yes Way!" I shouted at her. We drove about ten minutes and only stopped twice for traffic lights.

      "Ug!" Natasha said as we pulled into the motel that's only five minutes away from the school. I park the car in front of room one hundred thirty two.

      "Stay in the car." I glared at her. She had a mad face on and crossed arm around her chest. She is a giant spoiled brat that is scared for her safety.

      I paid for the room with no questions asked for two nights. The lady at the counter looked at me weirdly. Like this is a common place for prostitutes. After getting the two keycards. I banged on the car hood to draw Natasha attention from her phone. She got out and I opened the back so she could grab her suitcase.

      When she realized that I was not gonna grab it she rolled her eyes at me. When I rented the room I requested room one hundred thirty two and luckily it's a two bedroom one. Now unlocked the room and Natasha bolted for the bed next to the window. I went to the bathroom to check it. Next I go to the beds and toss it for bed bugs. Natasha didn't want to move at first and then after hearing the bed bug she moved as quickly as a mouse.

      "Natasha, I am going to make a call. Don't leave the room." I told her in a harsh tone before I left the room to inform Brooklyn what's going on. She just rolls her eyes while on the bed and goes back to her cell phone.

      Walking about one minute away from the motel. I pull out my work phone and dial Brooklyn. "Hi, Boss, is there a problem?" Brooklyn said on the phone.

     "Yes, right now I am at a motel with Natasha." I breathe in and out. "Dale had beaten me..." I gulped at the end of my sentence with Brooklyn. In the past Dale has never beaten me, only insults.

     "It's ok, I understand. Do you want him in the basement?" Brooklyn Interrupted me and saved me from talking about it. Now walking into a park nearby and heading towards the fountain.

     I quickly demanded, "Of Course!" My voice raised, agreeing and wanting it.

     That reminds me that I want Debra behind bars. "O I want you to dig something up on Debra. So the police will charge her." I walked around the concrete fountain circles.

     "Yes, Boss!" Brooklyn addressed me with seriousness.

     Now for my apartment. "I need someone to clean up my apartment and pick up Mila. There is a key to the locked doors in the pop chicken nuggets bag in the freezer." I informed Brooklyn about the key while sitting down on the edge of the fountain.

     "Pop chicken nuggets?" Brooklyn brought up the topic.

     "Ya you got a problem?" I acted sassy towards her.

     "No, it's just pop chicken nuggets?" She acted curiously towards the pop chicken.

     Now checking my watch. "It's just a hiding spot." I whined at Brooklyn while getting up from the fountain and started walking back.

     "Double check that you meant to clean up your apartment like pick up your stuff and extra." Brooklyn continued our conversation.

     Sometimes I am glad she clarifies things and sometimes I hate it. "Ya you got it I should get back to Natasha now love you Sis." I acted sweet and sappy.

     "Don't forget that you will need to talk about this eventually." Brooklyn reminded me about my deep talks with Papa. Now I really miss Papa, Alvin, Martin, and Theo.

     "Got Bye!" I yelled and hung up the phone with Brooklyn. As I just approached the motel and headed to room one hundred thirty two. Presently swiping the motel keycard and opening the door. Natasha shot right up from the bed. "Just order room service for yourself." I acted bratty to her and she rolled her eyes back.

     Right now I grab my bag from the bed and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and take the wrap off my arm. Next I grab a hand towel, get it wet and rub the makeup off. I take a deep look into the mirror and see the destroyed seventeen year old looking back at me. How Did I Let Myself Do This? I Am Smarter Than This!

     Now splash cold water on my face to snap myself out of it again. I shuffle through my bag and pull out my makeup kit. After that I changed into some long sleeve pj tops and baggy soft bottoms. Before I leave the bathroom, I clean up and put the wrap back on. Opening the bathroom door, and putting a knife under my pillow before I go to sleep.

    Natasha goes to the bathroom next and comes out in a string top pj's and small comfy shorts. She is a true teenage girl. "Lights are going off now." I told her with annoyance. While putting my crutches next to the bed on the floor and my backpack next to them. Before I put it on the floor I grab my sleeping knife.

     "Got." Natasha's eyes were wide open and sleepy. She walks over to the switch and turns it off. I go to the bed and lay down on my side. Going to sleep with my hand on the knife under the pillow. Think about what I am gonna do next with Natasha.


Thank you for reading my Chapter Two, Getting Away. About 1,460 words in Chapter Two. 

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