Chapter 32

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I barged into the cafeteria like a boss, instantly regretting my decision the minute my foot hit the cafeteria floor. But I wasn't going to let anyone know that. I kept my head straight ahead, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. I had only a few more steps until I reached the safety of our table. 

"I truly don't know what he sees in you. You do realize it's just a matter of time before he dumps your pathetic ass." 

I froze, trying to place the girl's voice. I knew it had to be one of Taylor's bitch-ass friends. I turned around, knowing I'd regret my decision. My eyes met Blair's sky-blue eyes, glaring at me. I was about to say something when Sophie and Cole started in on her. 

"Blair, what the hell are you spewing about?" Sophie asked, walking up beside me, flipping her blonde curly hair over her shoulders. 

"None of your business, bitch!" Blair's eyes narrowed.

"Why don't you take your imposter designer perfume and run along," Cole said, motioning his hand for her to go away. 

Her eyes narrowed even more to where you could barely make out their color. "How dare you talk to me like that!" Then, not taking her eyes off Cole, she stepped toward me. "You'll never fit in."

"You need to leave," Austin said. 

Blair stood there glaring at me, not moving away. 

"Now, Blair." Austin's voice was more threatening. 

Blair leaned in a little closer, glaring deep into my eyes. "Like I said before, you'll never fit in around here." 


She finally stepped away and headed back over to where Taylor and the rest of their bitchy friends were sitting. I stood there watching them talk and laugh amongst themselves, glancing over toward us every few minutes. The longer I stood there watching them, the more I realized the cold, hard truth. 

"Come on, Rylee," Austin said, trying to get my attention away from them. His hand reached for mine. 

I did something that I thought I'd never do. I jerked my hand away from Austin. "Blair's right. We're kidding ourselves in thinking differently." 

"What are you talking about?" 

"I'm talking about us! This isn't going to work, and we were stupid for thinking it would work." I took a step backward away from Austin. "You don't really like me, and you need to stop lying to both of us." I swiped a tear off my cheek, then dashed past Austin. I had no idea where I was headed, too, but I couldn't handle seeing the devastation in his eyes any longer. I ran out of the school to my car; I pulled the keys out of my purse, fumbling them in my hands as tears streamed down my face. 

"Sunshine, let me help you," Cole said, grabbing the keys out of my hands. He unlocked the door, walked me to the passenger side, and opened the door for me. He told me I didn't need to drive while I was upset. "Don't listen to Blair." He slid into the driver's seat, started the car, then pulled out of the parking spot and headed toward the road. "I told the office you were sick and needed someone to drive you home. You're welcome. Just text Jules to see if she can get a ride with her friend after school." He placed his hand on mine, then returned it to the steering wheel. A few minutes later, I realized he was heading in the opposite direction of my house. When he turned the corner, I realized we were a block away from Downtown Mall. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked, looking out the passenger window at the empty sidewalk that would otherwise be crowded during the weekend. 

"Coffee, then to your house." 

"Oh, shit!" I rested my head in my hand, leaning against the car door. "I start my new job today. I can't go in there." 

"What new job?" Cole's brow furrowed. 

"That's right; I didn't tell you. I got a job working at Coffee Oasis after school." 

His furrowed brow relaxed while a more pensive emotion took over, leaving me wondering what he was thinking exactly. I didn't want just to come out and ask him in fear of what he would say, yet I couldn't take not knowing either. "What is it?" 

"What are you going to do about your dad when he comes back? You know he's going to be livid about you working." 

Why did my friends always have to point out the obvious? That was the one thing I didn't want to think about right now, on top of what had just happened in the cafeteria. I lowered my head, slowly turning toward the passenger window, watching the green leaves blowing in the wind. "I don't know." 

"Why don't you stay here, and I'll run and get us coffee real quick?" Cole got out of the car and told me he'd be back in about forty minutes. 

I grabbed my phone from my purse, knowing there would be messages about what had happened. I sat there staring at Austin's name with a number four, letting me know that's how many times he's texted me since I'd left school. I scrolled past his name and opened Sophie's text to tell her I was getting coffee with Cole. She texted me that she would come by Coffee Oasis later to check on me and to get coffee. She also warned me that Austin would be texting me. Um...You're a little late in your warning, Sophie. I texted her back that I'd see her later. I closed out the text and saw that Austin had texted me again. I closed my eyes, then opened them slowly, wishing his messages would disappear from my phone. I didn't have to open the text to know what was in them. They were filled with questions, wanting to know what happened and why I'd left the way I did, not to mention telling him that we weren't going to work. He knew why we couldn't be together; now, he just needed to accept the cold hard truth. 

"Here you go." Cole handed me an iced latte. I took a sip, enjoying the sweet mocha. 

"Thanks." I set my drink in the cup holder. 

"You're welcome. Who were you texting?" He peeked at me from the corner of his eye, raising an eyebrow. Then, he pulled away from the curb and headed back to school to pick up his car. 

"No, I wasn't texting Austin." I took another drink of my latte. I peeked over at him, waiting for his response. 

He glanced over at me, smirking. 

"What?" I took another sip. 

"I didn't say anything." He laughed, keeping his eyes on the road. "You were texting someone, though." 

"If you must know, I was texting Sophie. Are you happy now?" I pressed my lips together. "And no, I didn't look at the texts from Austin." I turned to look out the window at the blurry trees as we drove through town. 

"I think you should look at them. Don't you think you owe him an explanation? He stuck up for you numerous times. Whether you want to believe it or not, he does like you, Rylee." 

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