Chapter 13: Bad Ideas

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Ashley's POV

I rushed into the house making sure to close all our blinds and curtains.

I peeked through the curtain one last time just to make sure that no one was following behind us.

"It's okay, I'm sure no one is following us," Ivy tried to reassure me.

I switched our lights off just in case, so it can look like no one is at home.

"I'm in so much trouble right now, I'm sure he will be sending his people again to follow me." I panicked.

Ivy gestured for me to take a deep breath.

"Calm down, I said I'd help you with a plan. If you panic, it's only going to make the situation worse." Ivy continued.

I heard the sound of a key being inserted into our front door. The door cracked open, making its usual loud sound as mom walked in holding a big box,

"Why is it so dark in here?" Mom asked walking in.

Katy followed behind mom, dragging both her school bag and another bag she had her sports uniform in.

"You know how high the electric bill was the last time," I spoke.

"And the blinds?" Mom questioned.

"I heard some psychopath was going around the neighbourhood. Just keep the blinds closed and stay away from the door." I warned.

What if Tristan decided to stop by only to find my healthy mother answering the door, I couldn't have that happening. I needed to sort this thing out before my life was completely destroyed. Deep down I knew there was only one way out of this.

"Ivy and I will be upstairs in my room," I announced.

Mom looked at me weirdly as Ivy and I ran up to my room.

I peeked down the hall before closing my bedroom door just to make sure that neither of them was following behind us.

Ivy sat on my bed as I paced my room anxiously.

"Okay, so one thing is clear, he is starting to catch on, so we need to be a lot smarter about this and get rid of this problem as soon as we can," Ivy spoke.

I nodded biting my nails anxiously

"So here is the plan..." Ivy began.

Our attention was quickly diverted as we heard the sound of my doorknob turning. Ivy and I remained quiet to see who it was.

Katy walked in holding a bowl full of popcorn, which was probably the last of the microwave popcorn we had left.

"If you are really going to make this thing believable, you need a doctor to confirm your fake pregnancy. That way when you lose the baby he will feel sorry for you and you will never lose your job again." Katy spoke.

Ivy and I both stared at her with our mouths open, were we even talking about the same thing?

"You are wondering how I figured this out?" Katy spoke. She took a handful of popcorn right into her mouth. We waited for her to finish chowing so she would explain.

"What are you talking about?" I asked trying to level with her.

"I know about your fake pregnancy," She confirmed.

Shocked, my eyes widened at her words.

"Come on. You have sugar daddy symptoms all over you. The constant secrecy, not to mention you have a new phone that you can't afford." Katy spoke. "Plus, you left your phone downstairs, and it doesn't have any passwords I might have read your messages." She added.

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