Chapter 27: The announcement

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Ashley's POV

I panicked as I jumped out of bed, my eyes widening.

Tristan groaned as he sat up straight next to me.

I couldn't recall exactly when I fell asleep last night. I remember we were talking, and then we decided to watch a little bit of a movie before going home and that's all I remember.

"What's wrong?" Tristan asked in his deep morning voice.

"I have to get home," I panicked.

He raked his hands through his hair, making it even messier. "Why don't you stay and have breakfast first?" He suggested.

I searched the room for my shoes. "I really have to go now. I didn't even inform my mom that I wouldn't be coming home yesterday." I insisted. I showed him the notifications on my home screen to demonstrate the severity of this situation.

He sighed. "How about I take you home then?" He suggested. He climbed off the bed and started searching for his own shoes.

Through his large window wall, I noticed the darkened clouds and a hint of what looked like drizzle.

I sighed. "It's okay, I'll just take a cab instead," I answered. With my new salary, taking a cab wouldn't break my budget.

My eyes lightened up as I finally found my shoes in the corner of the room.

Before Tristan could oppose, the door flew open as Luke walked into the room.

He paused holding onto the doorknob, staring at Tristan and I as several emotions ran across his face.

Tristan shot him a threatening look, motioning with his eyes for Luke to get out.

"Oh," Luke muttered; his coffee-coloured eyes widening.

With both our messy hair and some of the bed sheets spread on the floor, I could imagine what he was thinking.

My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. Luke smiled before pointing at both of us as he happily made sense of the situation.

"What do you want?" Tristan asked.

Luke threw his hands down as he still maintained his smile. "You have a meeting in less than one hour regarding the security of the hotel. You have a press conference too." Luke reminded him.

Tristan sighed, once again raking his hands through his hair.

"I'll see you on Monday," I said nervously.

Without another word, I rushed out of the bedroom.

Once I was out of sight, I practically ran out of the suite and jumped into the elevator before anyone could stop me.

I was probably going to hear about this very soon from Layla. I wonder what her reaction would be.

I loosened my hair, racking through it to fall on both sides of my face in case someone recognized me.

If anyone saw me, this would surely be breaking news among all the gossipers in this place.

One of the guards seemed to recognize me before he shook his head, dismissing the possibility that it actually was me.

Using my jacket, I covered my head from the rain as I climbed into the cab.

I sighed, settling in. I gave the driver my address before turning my attention back to my phone.

Messages were pouring in like the rain, now from my sister. Most of them were long rolls of worried emojis.

I texted her back informing her that I would be home soon, that seemed to shut her up.

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