Chapter 8

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I woke up in my bed. I was safely tucked in like a child and my head was splitting.

"The hell?" I pulled my heavy body upwards. I was still in the same clothes from earlier, but my boots were situated by the door.

I crawled out of bed and let my feet hit the floor. I cringed at the cold, yanking my feet back up into the hall of blankets.

"Hey," Jonah's voice startled me.

"What the hell?!" I screamed in a whisper, "What are you doing lurking in the dark like that?!"

"I'm not lurking," he scoffed. "I waiting for you to wake up." I could see his shoulder shrug in the moonlight.

"Wake up...?" I raised and eyebrow, "oh..." memories rushed back to me from the moments before I had passed out...the man before me...his clothes...his body...all that blood and dirt and the way he looked...
He had a striking similarity to Jonah himself. Could they have been related? Or perhaps Jonah was playing a trick?

"Are you alright?" Jonah's voice drew me back to the present.

"Oh...yeah...I guess I am," I shrugged my shoulders, "uhmm, how long have I been out?" My eyes shifted to the darkness outside. I remembered that it had been day time when I passed out.

"A while," his voice was barely above a whisper.

"I slept the whole day?" I rose up more, my head looking around. "Where's Aunt Lizzie?" I stood up from the bed, letting my feet hit the cold floor, and walking across toward the door. I never liked sleeping through the day, and because of what? A prank?

"Sleeping," Jonah's body moved swiftly, blocking my way out. He positioned himself in front of the door, preventing my exit.

"What are you doing?" I dared to walk closer to Jonah.

"Keeping you safe," his voice was so quiet I barely heard him.

"Safe from what?" I put my hands on my hips. "You're blocking the door." I spoke matter of factly.

"Yourself," he crossed his arms over his chest. "I am keeping you safe from yourself."

"I didn't do anything." I tried to see him more in the moonlight.

"Your aunt told you not to go out, and what did you do? Go out." He stalked closer a little.

"I was looking for you," I scoffed.

"Why?" He was fast to reply.

"Because..." I sighed, "I wanted to apologize."

"Apologize for what?" His stance changed.

"What I said before...I-I didn't know so many died..." I began.

"It's nothing," Jonah brushed me off, "you're such a stubborn woman. You should listen when you're told something. Your poor aunt worried a lot about you, ya know? You can be such an annoyingly stubborn woman. I'm going to go now since you're awake and seem fine." He walked out of the room as fast as he could.

I started to follow him, but I stumbled on my own feet. After forcing my own feet back into working, I managed to scramble to the top of the stairs. I only caught sight of Jonah's jacket as the door closed behind him.

"Son of a bitch!" My heart pounded. I knew I had hurt his feelings or perhaps made him angry with my stupidity.

I walked back into my room and pull on my boots. I ran down the stairs and grabbed the nearest jacket I could find, pulling it over my body as quickly as I could. I opened the door and flew out. I bounded across the porch and down the stairs, cold air hit me at once. I cringed at the wind in my face, but I was on a desperate mission to find Jonah.

Once again; however, Jonah had disappeared on the sea of grass that was the prairie.

My eyes whirled around trying to catch a glimpse of him. There was in a blimp of a figure in the fast could he possibly be on his own two legs? I put my hand on the top of my eyes, trying to see in only the light of the moon.

Suddenly, the wind blew strong against me.

A whisper again went to my ears, just like before, just like in the day,

"Evie..." it called, "Evie..." it lured. The voice on the wind seemed distant but so close, as if it was just near.

"Jonah!" I called into the wind, "Jonah, this isn't funny!" I waltzed off in the direction I heard the voice calling. "Jonah, come on! I said I'm sorry!"

"Evie..." the whisper grew louder. "Evie..."

"Jonah!!!!" I shrieked. "Where are you?!"

In stomped through the grassland and paid no attention to where I was walking or how far I was going away from the house. I was preoccupied by the voice calling out to me.

"Hello!" I shouted, "hello!"

The wind picked up even more than before. It was as if the wind howled for me.

"Evie!" A voice shouted. "Evie!!" It called out to me.

"Hello!" I called back, "hello! Jonah!" I reached out to no avail.

My eyes scanned the prairie and saw a lone tree standing. Instinctively, I went toward it. Through the whipping wind I allowed myself to take shelter under the lonely tree.

The wind died and I heard a sloshing sound beneath me.

My feet ended up in a puddle of water below the tree. The water glistened ever so slightly and my head cocked to the side; there was no sun, only moon.

Why was the water glistening as if the sun was shining upon it?

The wind whipped again abruptly and my body started to fall forward.

I caught myself on the tree. My hand grasping onto it firmly.

As if a shot of lightening had struck me, electricity sprang through me, and my body fell...

It fell down through the puddle of water I was standing in.

Blackness overtook me, wetness covered me, sound and light drained away, my body went cold...and I couldn't breathe.

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