Chapter 23

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Akecheta stared into my eyes, his own dark eyes were filled with passion and a fire I had no idea what to do with. I could hear my own heart beat in my ears. He grasped onto my wrist with steel grip and I gently tried to pry it away from him.

"P-p-p-please..."I stuttered, "l-let g-go," I shivered a bit.

He stared at me for another solid minute before he let my wrist free. I pulled it against myself as he grabbed the rag and tossed it back into the now murky bowl of water. He stood up abruptly, picking up the bowl and taking it to the door flap. The flap was whipping a bit in the wind, so he pushed on it a bit with his foot as he tossed the water out.

I sat frozen like a flower in the first frost, unmoving and immobile at the same time.

He dropped the bowl by the door before he began tying the door shut.

"W-What are you doing?" Panic surged in my body as two memories entered my mind.

The first...a tied door= a locked door.

The second...of Akecheta yanking at my clothes and kissing me...of him leaving me a hysterical mess.

He looked back at me and just grunted as he yanked the knot he made tightly.

I felt fear and tears welling up in me. "What are you doing?!" I stood up and rushed over to him. I tried to grab at the knot he tied in order to loosen it...or better yet untie it.

He easily managed to block me as he finished tying the door closed. He was nearly a foot taller than me and he used his size against me. I unconsciously started to beat on his broad back.

"Don't do that!" I whined. "Open it!"

He whirled around and grabbed my wrists. I fell down to my knees and felt the tears begin to fall from my eyes.

"Please, open it!" I cried. "The door." I begged, somewhat pointing.

He stared at me wide eyed.

"Please...the"I managed through sobs, somewhat pointing again.

He looked between me and the door.

"No," he deadpanned, "you. Me. Talk. Alone." His words were chopped and he clearly was trying to speak to me without the need of Mahpee...a translator.

He released my wrists and wiped my tears stained face before reaching down and lifting me up a bit. Somehow he shifted me to a blanket. He put his hands out, gesturing me to stay.

I stared up at him, my heart racing as he took a deep breath and sat down directly in front of me.

"You," he pointed. "How you?"

I felt my mouth gape a bit, slightly confused at what he was asking.

"You good? You bad?" He seemed to be asking how I was doing.

" fine..."I spoke slowly.

"Nawaji, good, bad?" He asked again.

I just shrugged.

"You, Kimimela?" He had a wondering tone, and his eyebrows were furrowed as if he was finding the words.

"Uhm...Friends." I answered him before he could ask. "She's my friend..."

"Good. Kimimela good friend." He smiled a bit; I will admit to getting caught by his smile. It was slight, but made him look like he was this ruggedly handsome and mischievous being. I had no idea how old he was, but he was definitely older than me.

The picture of him I had my time...he had it have been in his 20s...but exactly where was hard to tell.

He looked the same in front of me now that he did in that picture...

Akecheta jostling me brought back my attention to him, "you is good?" He had his head cocked to the side, trying to determine if he was right.

"I am fine..." I sighed.

"Me question." He continued.

I stared at him, waiting, my heart still racing a bit out of my chest.

"You, husband?" He narrowed his eyes.

"" I shook my head. Mahpee had asked me that question before; I had thought he asked for Akecheta. Perhaps he was just double checking.

" man?" He pressed.

I felt my eyes roll a bit, "no."

"You..." he began. "Ever have man?"

I felt my heart twinge at his question. I didn't really understand his wording, "ever had man" could translate a few ways.

"I-I've had a boyfriend..." I shrugged.

"Boyfriend?" He repeated, confused as hell.

"There was a man...I thought he was gonna be my husband, but then he went away." I tried to use words he seemed to know.

"He die?" Akecheta deadpanned.

"No!" I felt my voice raise a bit in shock, "he loved someone else and went on his way." I shrugged.

His face was still scrunched. " you husband?"

I nodded at him.

"You..." he froze, seemingly unsure if he should ask his question. "You sad?"

I shook my head, "I'm not was just sudden."

"Hmmmm," he groaned in thought. Suddenly he inched closer.

I sat up a bit straighter, "what are you doing?" I asked as he moved closer yet again.

He was within touching distance. "Him touch you?" He asked abruptly.

"What?" I was taken aback.

"Him touch you?" He continued.

"I mean....we hugged and kissed a bit?" I raised an eyebrow. He was getting too curious and too deep.

"Hug?" He looked at me with a blank expression.

"Uhmmm..." I took my arms and wrapped them around my body, hugging myself a bit. "This."

"Kiss?" He kept looking at me.

I felt my cheeks redden a bit as I touched my lips, and then reached out tentatively and touched his. I then bought my fingers together in front of him and made a slight smacking noise.

"Ohhhh." He vocalized in what I assume was understanding. "Him...him bed you?"

I felt my eyes widen at his words despite not fully knowing what he meant. "Bed?" I repeated.

He grunted in frustration. Then he kept forward and I shrieked involuntarily. He grabbed my waist and yanked it toward his lower half. I yelped again.

"Him do this you?" He asked again, only a few inches from me.

It then clicked on in my brain like a lightbulb; he was asking if I ever

As my cheeks burned, I quickly shook my head no.

Of all my years with that bastard, one of the things I managed to keep for myself, if not my sanity, was my virginity.

Akecheta smiled above me, the fire again lighting in his eyes.

In that moment I felt my heart drop.

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