Part 3

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The days pass by and the two Cullen children grow. Carlisle has been keeping tabs on both of their growth rate. Renesmee is growing fast by a foot every week. Bella and Edward worry about their daughter while Alice and Jasper worry about their child Sapphire. Her growth rate is faster and her abilities have grown as well. Sapphire has two powers to the surprise of everyone. She still has the telepathy to talk to everyone but now she has the power of metamorphasis. She can change her form for now. If she, for example, changes into her mother, she may have the same detailed looks but she doesn't obtain her ability and won't be able to speak with her mother's voice.

'Jake, what is that?' Jacob looks outside the house standing beside the five-year-old-looking girl. Sapphire is looking at the white snow laying over everything.

"It is snow. Winter has arrived." Alice walks over bending down next to her daughter.

'It is so big! is it safe?' Jake chuckles hearing the innocent questions his imprint asks.

"Why don't we find out?" Sapphire looks to her left and sees her daddy holding a red jacket and white fluffy scarf. She smiles and runs over to Jasper allowing him to help her into her clothes. Sapphire may have more vampire venom in her system making her faster and stronger but she still needs to cover herself.

"Ready?" Sapphire nods and they walk out. Jake walks out as well and leans on the railing smiling as Sapphire steps into the snow making a footprint. Her smile if possible widens further in joy. Jasper smiles and walks in further. 

The rest of the day is spent outdoors with Jacob watching his mate play in the snow and even shifts into a white puppy. Sapphire can shift her form to animals she has seen before. She could turn into a baby wolf due to seeing Jacob in his wolf form. She can turn into a squirrel, a fawn, and a cub cougar from one of the hiking trails Alice and Jasper took her. Her favorite shifting form is the wolf and the snow-white owl she saw one night before going to bed. 

"Lunch time!" Esme calls from in the house.

"Oh, where do you think you are going little gem? You have to remove these first." Emmett catches the fast little girl in his arms before her wet boots can trek mud in the house. Sapphire's giggle enters everyone's mind except for Bella's and Renesmee's. They haven't bonded so they can't hear Sapphire.

Alice and even Carlisle have tried making Bella and Renesmee in linking their minds with Sapphire but they refuse. Sapphire, once free from the clothes, runs quickly to the kitchen and into Esme's arms. Esme laughs picking her up and placing her in her seat. Rosalie waves and Sapphire waves back before eating her sandwich.

Piano music fills the house when Bella, Renesmee, and Seth return. Sapphire finishes eating and heads to listen. Jake and most of the Cullens note how Sapphire peaks out from the wall shy around her blood relatives. Bella, Edward, and even Renesmee have given a cold shoulder to Sapphire and the little girl stays at a distance.

Gasp. Crash. Eyes turn to Alice who had a vision.

'Mommy?' Alice looks down and places a reassuring hand on Sapphire's head. The little hybrid rushed to her mother's side when hearing the crash. She hugs her mother's leg and stares with her two colored eyes at her filled with curiosity and worry. Her mother could have hurt herself.

"The Volturi, they're coming. Aro, Marcus, Caius, the guard, and Irina." Alice says looking at Bella.

"What do they want?"

"What were you doing?" Edward asks Bella.

"We were just walking," Bella says shrugging it off.

"Ness was catching snowflakes." Seth points out and Edward looks like he died.

"Of course, they think Renesmee is an immortal child." Sapphire looks up at her mother asking in her mind.

'What is an immortal child?' Alice smiles and picks her daughter up as the family head over to Carlisle's study.

"Immortal children were very beautiful. To be near them was to love them. Due to their age being frozen the moment they were turned, they could not be trained or contained. A giant tantrum would destroy a whole town. The Volturi had to be involved. A thousand families were torn apart. A hundred humans slaughtered." Carlisle explains how Denalis, Irina's mother made an immortal child.

"But Renesmee was born not bitten. She grows every single day."

"Can't you just explain that to them?" Seth asks not understanding the problem.

"Aro has enough evidence in Irina's thoughts," Edward mutters.

"Then we convince them," Bella speaks with conviction.

"They are coming to kill us not to talk," Emmett says.

"What about her?" Eyes look to Sapphire. "Alice, isn't she the king's mate? Send her to them and stop this."

"She is too young Bella. I am not going to give Sapphire just like that. Even if they are mates, what about Jacob? And they don't even know that Sapphire is their mate. They are coming for Renesmee." Alice explains getting defensive. She cares too much for her daughter to just give her up and what she said is right. It is Renesmee they are coming for, not Sapphire.

"No, you are right. They may be willing to listen, Carlisle, you have friends all over the world."

"I am not asking them to fight."

"Not fight, witness. If enough people knew, maybe they will listen and even more if we give them their queen." Edward grits his teeth when saying his monstrous flesh and blood is going to be commanding him.

"She is not a bargaining chip! This isn't a trade!" Jasper exclaims growling almost hearing the way and feeling hate from Edward for his daughter. Sapphire isn't some bag of coins to give to the leaders to save the newborn's child.

"Enough!" Esme stops the fight before it begins. "We can ask this of our friends to help Renesmee but it is Sapphire's choice if she wants to go when the time comes."

The Cullens rarely see Esme mad or become a strong monarch and they have good reasons as to why. The disappointment and dominating tone in the elder woman's voice halts all the vampires from going further in their argument. Sapphire steps back hiding behind her father's leg. She has never seen grandma Esme mad before.

"We will gather witnesses and help save Renesmee and our family but that is it, Edward." the meeting ends there.

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