Part 5

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"Mr. Black, Ms. Clearwater, thank you for meeting with me." Mr. Jackson sits in a private booth in the corner. Jacob and Leah slide in across from the tanned skin male with blonde wild hair. "I presume the little miss Sapphire is safe?"

"Yes, she is. What is this about? Alice mentioned she has some plan."

"Yes, she does." Mr. Jackson slides over an envelope and Jake glances at Leah before opening it.

An inside is a contract. No, a will. If Alice and Jasper possibly die at in anytime in the future, Sapphire will be taken care of by Leah and Jacob. All the information is crystal clear with the date of birth and everything. Jake looks at Leah and she shares the same surprise.

"Mrs. Alice and Mr. Jasper's instructions are clear in this will. If anything were to happen to the two, they have left you both as parental guardians to take care of their child. Their homes in Australia, and Texas, and an estate they recently bought in Greece will go in your name including the saved money they gathered for cases like this. Everything will be covered for fifteen years with the amount they saved for you to take care of Miss Sapphire Emerald Cullen. This is also the birth certificate showing Alice and Jasper are the blood relatives of Miss Sapphire." Jake and Leah are in slight shock but they snap out of it quickly.

"Thank you and is there anything else?" Leah asks.

"No." Leah and Jake leave with the documents copied for them. When they return to Jake's house, it took a while for them to get a grip on the situation. The reality is if the battle goes south and Alice and the rest of the group die; Sapphire is to be taken care of by Jake and Leah. Why didn't Alice mention the Volturi kings? Are they not part of this? Does she not want Sapphire to go to the kings?

"Jake, what are you thinking about?" Leah doesn't want to invade his mind.

"This is great and all but Sapphire is the mate to the three vampire kings. Do they not count in this? I don't get it."

"Maybe if anything were to happen to them and it comes down for someone to decide in letting Sapphire go with them, that would be our decision to make and the kings to respect." Jake nods agreeing with Leah.

"Yes, that makes sense." Jake sighs and places the documents in a hidden place in his room not even looking where he places them so Edward doesn't read his mind and tries to get those documents. Jake doubts he will but just in case. "Let us go back and check on Sapphire."

They run off to Cullen's place and stop seeing Sapphire in her puppy form watching two new vampires with dark tanned skin and fur pelts as clothes walk to Renesmee. Jake walks to Sapphire and pets her little head.

'where were you?' Sapphire asks keeping her gaze on the new vampires.

'Some business to take care of with Leah. Not to worry, I will always come back to you.' Sapphire shifts human and wraps her arms around his neck. Jake accepts the hug and watches the two vampires look at Sapphire.

'I already spoke with them.' Sapphire tells Jake with a confused look he gave them. 'they smell like the amazon wherever that is.'

'Hehe, it is far but nothing is far for vampires.' Jake tells her smiling when she smiles. 

"We have not met before. Vladimir Dracula and this is my brother Stefan." Jake stands when Dracula 1 and 2 walk over.

"Jacob Black." they shake hands with a sign of respect.

"What relationship do you have with this young child?" they look down at Sapphire. She grew another three inches so now she reaches Jacob's chest.

"Shifters have mates called imprints. Sapphire is my imprint." The two vampires nod and they look over at the Cullens.

"What will you do when Aro and his brothers take Sapphire away from you?" Stefan asks almost sounding like a threat.

"Go with her. If she wants to go to Italy with the kings then I follow. My pack understands."

"Oh, a single wolf inside a huge castle of vampires. Good luck."

'You shouldn't be so mean to Jake.' We look down at Sapphire seeing a serious expression on her face. 'He is strong to handle anything. Doubt him would be showing you are doubting your own strength. Why hate so much when life has so much more to offer?'

"We lost everything to your kings. We have lived for millenniums, we have seen everything." Vladimir explains.

'Not everything. You haven't found love and you push kindness away when it can help you withstand eternity some more.' Sapphire shifts into a new form of an animal, a fox. A red-turned fox leaped off to the house.

"That is a new animal." Edward.

"What do you want?" Jacob asks almost growling.

"Just to check on you. Been a long time since we talked."

"Why do you hate her? She was just a baby she didn't mean to hurt Bella. Don't you fucking see that?" Jacob snarls at Edward.

"I do now. I'm sorry." Jake looks at the vampire and notices he is sincere.

"If you think I am giving you my imprint without consulting her parents then you are mistaken. And it is not me you should apologize, it is your daughter that you outcasted." Jake growls in his ear and walks off to patrol the territory.

Edward stands still and looks at where Sapphire ran off to. He gulps air and walks to where Sapphire went. Stopping to lean on a tree, he watches the hybrid. He did outcast her, push her away. All because he blamed Bella's death on her. 

'What do you want?' Her voice echoes in his mind without even bonding.

'Can we talk?' Sapphire turns around looking at Edward. They are at a distance where none can see them. Jake has gone off to patrol and now a new feeling of vulnerability fills her veins. He can do anything to her and nobody will be able to save her.

'Only if you stay right there.'

'You don't trust me?'

'What do you think?' Edward feels the jab and he accepts it. He has no chance of healing what he shattered and he will have to live with that forever.

'I'm sorry. I blamed Bella's death on you and I guess I was just blinded.'

'Why now do you tell me this?' Sapphire only wishes someone were near to prevent anything from happening.

'Sapphire, I am not going to hurt you.'

'How do I know that? This could be some scheme to finally get rid of me. You and Bella and Renesmee want me dead! Don't deny it.' Edward doesn't. He did think of her death but he instantly regretted it.


'You were the one to convince my own blood mother to hate me and wish me dead. No amount of saying sorry will fix what you have done. I may be young but I understand what betrayal feels like.' Edward saw it and it gets rid of all of his undead heart. Tears. 'You don't want me and I don't want you. So do us both a favor and just stay away from me. That is the least you can do dad.'

Edward lowers his head and allows Sapphire to run back to the house. He feels so guilty for what he has done. He pushed away his own flesh and blood. She is part of his blood or venom whatever makes kin with vampires these days and he pushed her away.

"I'm sorry." His voice is carried away with the wind. "I'm sorry I failed in being a true father to you, Sapphire."

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