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Regulus had not been aware of the fact Sirius had seen him until Remus finally got a hold of him almost an entire day later, just before dinner.

"I wouldn't go to the great hall if I were you" Remus whispered to him in bypassing. Regulus immediately stopped in his track.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Sirius, he has been scanning the great hall for your face all day. We're pretty sure he's seen you yesterday" Remus clarified. Regulus feels himself stiffen and clenched his fist inside of his pocket. He was never going to let Barty and Evan get him near alcohol ever. The headache he had this morning during practice was bad enough, but something he had gotten used to. Clubbing, however, was something he was not used to, and now something he did not ever want to get used to.

"Who is we?" Regulus asked, while already having a pretty clear idea of who the we might be.

"Me and Potter" Remus admitted with a sigh.

"Siding with Potter now, are we? Need I remind you he ruined my god damn life?" Regulus hissed at his friend, who wisely took a step back.

"He just happens to be friends with Sirius, who, need I remind you also ruined your life but you are okay with me seeing?" Remus said, the last part with a questioning tone in his voice, like he was unsure if Regulus was actually still on board with that.

"I don't need a reminder my brother fucking sucks, thank you, but siding with one enemy is bad enough" Regulus said, jaw and fist still clenched. He really did not want to fight with Remus, he was way too tired for that, but he was also growing tired of this conversation.

"You're one to talk about siding with the devil, you dated fucking Crouch" Remus shot back. He did have a point and this time it was Regulus who took a step back.

"He didn't ruin your life" he said weakly, but the look on Remus' face is pure anger.

"You don't fucking know that, because you don't ever fucking ask. It always has to be about you, Regulus, and it is fucking exhausting. So excuse me for 'siding with the devil' as you like to call it, but James at least seems like a genuinely nice person" Remus said, eyes narrowed. This was like a stab to Regulus' heart. A stab to his heart, the knife being slowly twisted, reopening old wounds and creating new ones. James was about to steal away yet another one of his friends.

"You're just like him. You're just like Sirius" Regulus said, tears welling up in his eyes, which he quickly tried to swallow down. Remus didn't say anything, he just shrugged. They were both tired. They were both tired and out to hurt each other because there was no one else around to hurt.

"I think this is where we should part ways. I'll see you tonight" Regulus said, turning around to change his direction, away from the great hall. He'd eat some granola bars later, he'd rather not be seen by Sirius right now. He found his way outside and stormed past the big fountain he wanted to sit by because it was occupied by a group of other kids, of which he later realized James Potter was one of. The bastard, taking everything he had away from him. He walked around for a bit, looking for a different spot to sit at, but the campus was boring and all concrete. He eventually found a nice set of stairs to sit on and buried his head in his hands. He didn't even notice the girl sitting down next to him until she started talking.

"Your hair looks nice. Must be hell to maintain" she sounded dreamy. Regulus looked up to find a girl with the longest and blondest hair he had ever seen sitting next to him. He recognized her as a first year, but he had no clue about whatever her name could be.

"Yeah" he just mumbled, not enjoying the sudden company.

"I saw you sitting here all alone and I thought you looked rather depressing, like a stray dog left out on the streets, so I came to see what was up" she declared. Regulus was taken aback by her comment. He definitely was not used to being compared to a dog.

Pretty Boy {Jegulus}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ