Ch 0.1: Past That Haunts

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"Miss Evelynn! Miss Evelynn! Can you tell us what plan does K/DA have?" Reporter 1 asked me. I just smiled his question.

"Miss Evelynn! Is it true that you guys recruiting a new member?" Reporter 2 asked. Which I answered with short "Yes".

"Miss Evelynn!..."

"Miss Evelynn!..."

"Miss Evelynn!..."

"Miss Evelynn!..."


Man this reporters getting more and more noisy aren't they? I walked in my room and sit on soft comfortable sofa. I miss old times where me and girls doesn't need to worry about anything like this reporters. When we only need to sing and dance till our heart's content.

Now we need to worry about every move we make in public. It's really damn annoying. We also barely spend times together because our work.

"Sorry for trouble Eve *Yawn* I was just really tired last night." Ahri is voiced from behind me.

"Oh don't be like that Ahri dear." but when I turn around there was no one.


I heard something move fast. I start getting vigilant. Being idol isn't a easy business especially in place like Runeterra. It's not the first time someone is trying to assassinate us.

"Hehe, now now Eve we are friends aren't we?" I heard a male voice. A voice I am familiar with. I quickly look at direction where voice come from. And I saw guy I never meet again in my life Zack.

"What do you want Zack?" I looked at Zack with full of hostility

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"What do you want Zack?" I looked at Zack with full of hostility. He just laughed at me and said: "C'mon Eve we are friends remember what's wrong with friends visiting with each other."

"You are not my friend!" I yelled he looked at fake shocked expression and said: "Oh Eve that's make me very sad. I thought our relationship was good."

I looked at him annoyingly and said: "Listen here you little shit! We both know I was only nice to you because-" Zack suddenly grabbed my mouth and asked with smirk: "Because what? Because what we did? You won't tell me I blackmailed you or some shit like that do you? Because we both know you were the one who come up with that idea. You were the one who betrayed poor (Y/n) first. You were the one who used his trust for you as a your own advantage. The only thing I did was prepare a stage for you and watch the show. Rest is what you did with your own hand."

First anger ignited in my heart but slowly more hear what he say I felt more scared. I don't wanna remember it. I don't wanna remember what I did. Tears start cover my eyes and then Zack suddenly let me go. He looked at me with hateful smirk he always had in his face and said: "Well Eve I don't wanna bother you but I really has no other choice for me you see..."

Suddenly Zack stop talking. He lowered his head and his blond hair shadows his face. I have a really bad feeling about what is going to happen.

"Can you die for me?" Suddenly his voice become chaotic and strange like many people talking same time and his body suddenly fully ignited. Covered in flames just... just... just like (Y/n).

"G-get away from me! Get away from me! Please! Get away from me!" And finally I saw flame fully covers me. I lost control over my body. I can't feel my body anymore.

I guess I am going to die.







"Huh?!" I get up from my bed while gasping air. I looked around and it was my room. I... I was in my room whole time. I was dreaming. It was all dream. I touched my face and even pinched myself little bit. It hurt so it means I am awake.

"Hey Eve are you okay?" I looked at girl besides me Kai'Sa she was looking at me with worry. I smiled at her weakly and said: "Y-yeah just a nightmare. Don't need to care about it much dear."

"If you say so. Ahri told me to call you down breakfast is ready. She wants everyone have a breakfast after all it's been weeks since we last eat breakfast together." Kai'Sa smiled at me with her iconic kind smile. She really is kind girl isn't she. I just nodded and said: "Say Ahri I will be there in few minutes just after wash my hands."

Kai'Sa nodded and left my room. I just sished and covered my face with my pillow and screamed. After few seconds of creaming I get up from my bed and headed towards bathroom.

After come front of sink and just was about to touch it I saw fly flies over and sit on my hand. Veins suddenly appeared on my forehead and I tried to hit the fly with my other hand but it dodged. It fly from my hand and landed on my shoulder it was taunting me. "Why you little!"

I turned my hands into claw and slashed towards this damn fly but it dodged again?! I slashed again and again! How the hell does this fly even keep dodging from my attacks?! With my claw and speed I can easily split bullets or catch it but why can't I land a single hit on this annoying fly!

After few minutes of struggle I finally give up. And it fly away from here anyway. Just what the hell is happening to me? From nightmare I didn't had long time to just now. Why does I feel strange? I looked at mirror that cracked from my attack and felt like something is wrong. Like something bad will happen.

Was it related to (Y/n)? No, Evelynn wake up that accident happened 4 years ago. For whole 4 years has been passed why are you still haunted by it. It's already time for you move on.

I washed my hands and fixed my hair little bit then goes down. But at that what I didn't noticed was in mirror replication there was unknown shadowy figure that resembles Evelynn was standing.

 But at that what I didn't noticed was in mirror replication there was unknown shadowy figure that resembles Evelynn was standing

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Finally it turned into smoke and follows after her.

I Will Remain Supreme (K/DA X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now