Ch 3.1: Meet Stranger

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Finally! Finally! Finally! After whole month of work I finally got free time! I looked at phone in my hand and saw time is already 3:13 PM. Oh shit! I forget about meeting with Vi and Caitlyn. I need to head towards police station quickly!


"Oh? Miss Akali? If you are looking for sheriff Caitlyn and officer Vi they headed towards Zaun. They got a call that Jinx is planning a big thing... again. Since that lunatic appeared it's getting harder and harder to maintain order." Police officer A said to me.

"Got it." I quickly run out from station but suddenly realized one thing. I forget to ask their location after all Zaun is whole city if I search randomly it will took me whole day to find them. I quickly run back to station and know about where they headed and run towards Zaun again.


When I reached Zaun again time was already 5 PM damn it I wasted so much time for just this stupid trip.


I heard sound of explosion and instantly I know where to go. I focused my mana on my leg then start running. With my current mana and physical fitness I should be running around 50-60 mph speed of course it's not using my unique magic nor any other advanced support magic.

If I used magic then my current speed I am showing will be doubled at minimum and ten fold by maximum. Anyway when I reached location where explosion happened I saw Cait and Vi is chasing after Jinx. And I also saw man with black hood is looking at them.

He aimed at Vi with his hand like gun then made shooting action. Suddenly Vi is Atlas Gauntlet start made a strange sound and create blue sparks. Then *Boom.* with small expansion Atlas Gauntlet self destruction and Vi is out of combat.

Was that consistent or something else? Does he has some kind of magic that can effect luck? Many questions to ask. Wait Jinx just saw this and rushing towards that guy?

Oh boy here goes Jinx is classic old pal trick. First she come front of her 'old pal' then she start a quick chat which was mostly she is talking and 'old pal' is stunned. Then she just push him towards people chasing her. Oh don't forget her special 'old pal' bombs.


And here it is Jinx is old pal trick. I was just about go and help but suddenly strong wind blows the pink mist away while revealing stranger and Cait. Stranger or man in black hood aimed to Jinx like he did towards Vi then thing happened again. Jinx fell from stairs and rolls down towards stairs and finally reached front of stranger and Cait.

He looked at Cait and Cait looked at him with strange eyes. He shrugged at Cait while saying 'I don't know what happened.' which Cait didn't believed at all and with that I saw Cait handcuffed him.

I slowly walked towards front of them and said: "Hey guys!"

Cait looked at me with surprise so does stranger? I don't know if it's illusion or not I felt malice for a moment from his stare. But it disappeared next like never happened so I assume it's illusion. But I have feeling of I need to be vigilant when close to this guy.

"Akali?oh my god! I'm so sorry that I and Vi wasn't in the police station when you arrived. We got call about Jinx and you know how Vi is with matters related to Jinx. Oh by the way Vi over here! Jinx is caught." Cait called Vi while showing her now injured badly Jinx.

Vi was dragging her broken Atlas Gauntlet. After seeing Jinx she rushed here immediately I almost thought he teleported. She looked at Jinx who is injured badly but not fatally let out a sigh of relief.

Then she noticed stranger. And asked: "Who the hell is he? Some wanted criminal? He look really suspicious with that clothes though."

Caitlyn: "He is one helped me catch Jinx."

Vi: "So? Is there problem? He helped us right? Then why are we arresting him?"

Caitlyn: "For damaging military equipment and... this one is little troublesome he disturbed our arresting process but he also helped just now. Anyway we are bringing him with us."

Vi: "Why? I don't see any damaged military equipment here."

"Ahem." Cait fake coughed and pointed at her broken Atlas Gauntlet.

Vi shows sudden realization face then looked towards Stranger with little complicated look. She was angry for him broking her Gauntlet and she was damn sure Zevi and other science department guys will eat her alive. And was grateful for helping her catch Jinx.

Cait saw Vi sudden realization look and said in helpless tone: "Vi you need to use your head some times. Zevi just checked your glove this morning and said there is no problem. How can it has suddenly problem from nowhere?"

"I can testify that. I saw him some shooting motion with his hand right before your Atlas Gauntlet explode." I said this while arriving beside Vi. Which she screamed for surprise and almost punched me on face with her working Atlas Gauntlet. Luckily I dodged right in time.

"Agh!!! Akali where did you appeared from?!" She asked while looking at me like ghost. I give her seriously look because I was right beside Cait this whole time. You can notice stranger you never saw before but can't notice me? It's hurt dude it's hurt.

"I don't know you guys but can we go somewhere to get something to eat? I am little hungry right now." 'After all Beelzebub is the sin of gluttony.' Stranger said while looking at us. Cait and Vi looked at him for moment till Vi is stomach sends distressing signal.

She looked little embarrassed but shaker away from her face quickly and said: "Well I am agreeing with..."

"Just call me Alcaeus." Stranger-no Alcaeus said. His name is 'strength'? I'm pretty sure it's name for warrior but he looks more like magician. Maybe melee mage like Sylas. He claimed mage but he clearly look like warrior.

"Okay like what Arc said." Vi directly give him nickname. Which is sign of she is trusting him at least little bit. Cait looked at me I just shrugged.

"Fine." Cait said while in defeated tone and like that we three headed towards somewhere to get something to eat. But at that time no one noticed few small flies left Alcaeus is body slowly.

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