Chapter 3- Icing On the Cake

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He came back to the bakery every day, always pushing open the door at 12:30 on the dot. It happened like clockwork, and by the end of the week I had made it a habit to look up when the door opened.

Jenny tried to serve him but he wouldn't even look at her. She even switched tactics to full on flirt mode but he purposely evaded her.

He ordered a coffee and a slice of my Apple Pie, never anything else. It gave me a sense of pride to know that he liked my pie.

At 12:30 I looked at the door but no one entered. I frowned to myself but kept sweeping the floor. 10 minutes later he still hadn't showed up and I realized how much I liked seeing him come in each day.

Just give him ten more minutes, my conscience thought. The ten minutes ticked by quickly and the bell above the door had not jingled once.

He didn't come.

Aunt Sasha left me to close up and everyone went home. At 6:58 I was about to flip the sign on the door to closed but a sharp knock stopped me. I looked through the glass to see his clear green eyes staring at me. Slowly, I stretched open the door so that he could come in and he did.

Panting hard as if he had run all the way here, he ran his fingers through his scruffy blonde hair. "Thanks," he breathed, "Is it too late to stay here for a bit."

"I was just about to close up." I pointed out with my arms crossed against my chest.

His eyes softened, "Please?"

I peered at him closely, "What's your name?"


"Because I want a name to call the cops on if you end up mugging or raping me." I explained like it was obvious.

"It's Jack Archer, what's yours?"

"Olivia Maron, but I go by Liv."

"That's great, now can I come in now?" He replied impatiently.

My brain told me to deny him at any cost but my big softie of a heart couldn't let that happen. "Fine," I murmured, "You get half an hour and then you need to get out. Otherwise Auntie might kill me."

He smirked at that, "Please, your Aunt's probably as big of a pushover as you are."

A scowl grew on my face. "I am not a pushover! I am nice, there is a difference."

"Whatever you say Sweetheart." He remarked sarcastically. An angry rage flew through my body. How dare he insult me when I let just let him in out of sheer kindness?!

Out of impulse I grabbed the whipped cream off of the counter nearby and sprayed him in the face. It splattered all over his handsome features and for a few seconds he was a white gooey mess. And then he wiped it off of his face and his look of shock was replaced with an evil smile.

That smile made me scared, really scared.

I didn't even see him grab the caramel syrup, but he dumped it all over my head. I squealed in disgust as I felt it dripping down my hair.

"You jerk!" I shrieked, "That's going to take forever to wash out!"

Jack smirked, "That sounds like your problem doesn't it, Sweetheart?" He turned back around to grab more items and I took the chance to jump on his back and tackle him to the ground.

My plan backfired because as soon as I got on his back he didn't budge. Not even an inch. It was almost as if he was expecting it, which he probably was. He just smirked, his green eyes crinkling with amusement. "You know, if you wanted me that badly you should've just asked. Eventually all the girls want me." I groaned in horror and Jack chuckled. And while he was distracted I took the caramel syrup out of his hand and poured it all over his own precious hair.

His horrified expression made me burst out in laughter, "Do you feel my pain now?" I asked after my laughter died down and my sides stopped hurting.

"You," he seethed, "You are going to regret that." I didn't have time to react because he ran at me and grabbed my waist. Now I was being slung over his shoulder and have been given a very nice view.

"Like what you see Sweetheart?" He asked and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I blushed at that and stuttered out a "no."

Suddenly I was flipped right side up again and flung into one of the plush seats. "You shouldn't lie," He murmured. To my horror he whipped out a tube of sprinkles and started to shake it over the dripping syrup coating my head. "Now would we like to add some ice cream and a cherry on top?"

"Bring it on." I have no idea how he figured out where the employee's secret stash of ice cream was but he found it. But I doubt that the spot behind the frozen micro-wave able items can really be called a good hiding spot.

He smiles teasingly and scoops out a huge portion. It's spread over my cheeks and they start to get numb. Oh great, that was just the icing on the freaking cake. I manage to jerk the ice cream out of his tight grip and scoop out some to slather over his face.

"Now," I breathe out heavily while being out of breath, "we are even."

"Oww," He moans clutching his forehead, "That gave me a brainfreeze."

"Boo freaking hoo. Cry me a river and get over it." I retort sarcastically.

Those emerald eyes focus on me again, making me feel intimidated under his cool gaze. "Are you normally this mean?"

"Nope." I find myself replying, "Only you."

And for some reason he smiles at those words, "Good. I like to be the one who brings out the worst in you."

I roll my eyes, "Yes, that's such a privilege." I look around the room and gasp at the mess we've made. "Oh my god, I am definitely dead." There was whipped cream all over the tile floor, sprinkles were scattered everywhere, pints of ice cream still rolled around, a broken jar of cherries was all over the floor, and somehow caramel syrup was all over one of the windows.

"What the mess? This is nothing you should see the ones at my parties I mean those-" I shoot Jack a death glare and he raises his hands up defensively. "Okay look, I'll help you clean it up because I'm partially responsible for it."

I snorted at partially, more like 80% of it. But instead of saying anything I went to the back closet and tossed him a broom and got myself a mop. We worked in silence for an hour. By the time we've finished the bakery looks better than it did before the mess.

Jack shoves his hands in his pockets and stares down at the tile. "Well I better get going then." He pushes open the door to leave.

I take the few steps to reach him. "It was nice meeting you Jack Archer."

"You too Liv Maron, you're a pretty cool girl." Jack walks out the door and walks backwards so he can keep eye contact with me.

"See you tomorrow?"

He pauses for a moment. "Yeah," he calls back, "See you tomorrow."


AWWWWWW I LOVEEEE THIS STORY. it's just so cute and cliché and I love Jack's character!

So??? What do you think?!

Did you like the food fight?

Well I'm tired and it's almost midnight for me so I'm going to keep this short.

Share this story with your friends! I love you all!

Publishing in 3...2...1!

xoxo- bibliophilebabe

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