Author's Notes

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Oh gosh I hate endings. I always tell myself that every time I finish a book I'm not going to cry but it happens every time.

Every. Freaking. Time.

This book is one that I held very close to my heart. Every chapter I grew closer and closer to Olivia Maron and now I have I let her go. These characters are ones that I will hold onto forever.

Thank you to everyone that read this story. Thank you for sticking with me through the grammar mistakes and the late night chapters that I posted at 1 AM.

I told you the ending would be bittersweet, didn't I?

Now here is the answer to a question you are all probably thinking.

Q: Why would I give Liv an unhappy ending?

A: Honestly? I just never intended for her to have one. And I'm sorry about that, I really am. I just don't think that it would've felt right if I had her end up with Jack in the end.

This entire story is based on what he power of kindness can do to people, and I think that Jack had become more developed and had definitely become kinder towards people.

I hope that all of you will read my next story 'Summer Nights'. I already have the chapter written out and I'll probably release it tomorrow.

Again thank you so much.

Goodbye Liv, it was fun writing your story.

xoxo- bibliophilebabe

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