Chapter Thirteen: The 19th of March

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Chapter Thirteen: The 19th of March

It was the following day, and the sun's heat woke us up. We were all exhausted from running around the night before.

The hudnah had been announced the previous night at 8 o’clock, which meant the cars would arrive in the morning. I was told I was leaving, and I was in shock. But I was the only woman who had survived in my group, and I realized I had to go.

People were finding dead bodies everywhere. Many more were injured, and people were getting treated. Doctors or anyone with medical knowledge checked on the wounded and did what they could to help.

Shattered Dreams
I wished I had died that day so that it would be written in history that I was one of the martyrs and the angels and Allah would look at me and remember me out of the billions of humans I was indeed from amongst one of the brave shuhadaah that day.

But it wasn’t decreed for me.

I have no words to describe how I felt. After everything I went through and sacrificed, it was all gone in an instant. The fight was over, and we had lost. This realization traumatized me and still weighs heavy on my heart. My life had turned upside down, and I was entering a new reality. I would have to step out of the land of honour onto the land of humiliation.

I left everything behind— every joy, every item of this Dunya, and my family to come to this place, to live under izzah, and it was finished? It was all gone right before my eyes.  What was the purpose of my life now? What was I going to do?

Bitter Reality

I was told the cars were arriving close to Dhuhr time. Since the cars were coming in to pick us up, the bombardment had stopped that day. The only land we had left were these caves near the cliff. The enemy was behind the cliff as well as facing it. But due to us carrying weapons, they could not enter upon us because they feared for their lives.

It is said people stayed until the 23rd of March.


I left that day.

On the 19th of March…

The Last Front: Baghuz ~ My narration of the events leading up to the fall.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora