Chapter 17 - It hurt like hell

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A/N: This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten...What will end?

By the time Dan got me back to the Taylors house, my eyes were puffed and red. Both my mom and I were crying at the end, when she told me what happened.

She was going to divorce my dad. She told him that and he went crazy, because he doesn't want to let go. She said he first beat her so bad, she was floating at the line of consciousness the whole time as he was telling her that he will take away from her everything that he still hasn't. I cried because my memories of my parents, when I was little, are nice and warm and always filled with sun — it's how I imagine my childhood: me sitting on our living room floor, watching the afternoon sun going down over our garden, with my mom behind me and an image of my dad like a ghost, because he still wasn't very present in my life. But when he was it was nice, as long as it lasted.

She also told me something else, that made me question my relationship with Matt. It's weird to say if we have a relationship or not. We have something, but there should be more than a few kisses to call anything a romantic relationship.

His father is a lawyer and a very good one at that. And my parents are not short on money, my dad just took all away from my mom, but otherwise we never had financial problems. Also, he is cheap when it isn't about him. So my dad and his lawyer are going to sue my mother for supposedly neglecting Andrew and me. And my dad's lawyer is Mr. Taylor.

I know Matt has nothing to do with that, but what if he knew and is trying to get me on their side so I would stay with my dad? Surely, he wouldn't do that.

Chill, you're going crazy.

My mom was not very happy about us. She said she liked seeing me so beaming and full of joy, but if it can be with anyone else than Matt Taylor she'd rather have that. My family's opinion is what matters the most to me, so I don't know if I can be in a relationship that isn't approved by them. At the same time I want nothing more than to be with Matt. She wanted me to tell him, nothing could happen between us; today.

What am I going to do?

I had a lot of time to think, before arriving back at the house, where Dan hugged me goodbye and assured me that Austin is doing well.

Matt is waiting for me on the other side of the door, smiling from ear to ear and making me feel extremely guilty for what I have to bring up. Before I have a chance to say anything, he pulls me towards himself and kisses me gently, it's welcoming. I forget about things that I wanted to say, just for a minute, and it feels good to relax for a change and let the flow take me on its own way.

I could get used to this, I think to myself.

When he moves away, my eyes are still closed, but I can hear it in his voice, when he speaks, that he is smiling.

"You still like kissing me?"

Oh, boy.

"I very much do."

I open my eyes and mentally prepare myself for being the reason for his soon rigid mood.

"We need to talk."

His happy face is gone within a second, his gaze hardens and his jew sets.

"What about?"

I shake my head, leading him upstairs and in the room where I'm sleeping. When he strolls in, I shut the door. I kind of expect him to make a suggestive joke about it, but it never comes — his gaze is fixed on me, following my every move.

"What did you want to talk about?"

I take a deep breath...and tell him.

"I don't think this is a smart idea." I point between us.

Matt says nothing and lets me speak and finish what I have to say, which I am tankful for, because otherwise I don't know if I could get through with it.

"I say we put all of this behind us and forget it ever happened."

I immediately regret my choice of words, after seeing the hurt look on his face. It's better this way, I know, it couldn't end well if we were in the middle of a feud between our parents. Eventually we would have to pick sides and who wouldn't pick family, and I couldn't ask of him to pick mine. It would end up with both of us hurt, more than this will sting now. Rip off the bandage, quick and painless.

"I learned some things and in no scenario could we end well, so I think it's better if we just end everything now, before the feelings become too much of a factor."

"To much of a factor?" He says with disgust. "Do you feel anything for me right now?"

"Matt..." I groan, but his temper is getting the better of him and he yells.

"Answer me!"

I flinch, taking a step back. He realises what he's done and rubs his temples as he replaces his anger with sadness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell."

"It's fine."

"And of course I feel something for you. It may not be love, yet, but it is something."

"Yet?" His head jolts up like it's on springs.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. Matt, I really think we should..."

"Laken, listen to me. You said yet, that means you can imagine being in love with me, that you expect it. And I want that too, I expect it. Why did you so suddenly change your mind? It was fine yesterday."

"It's complicated..."

"Then help me understand."

I don't want to let go on my side, but he is looking at me so intently that it's really hard to ignore his request.

I can't hurt him more by letting him know what his dad is about to do. I don't want to ruin their relationship.

"I'm sorry, Matt, I can't."

I want to kiss him one last time, feel his lips and remember them like a sweet memory.

"Laken...please, don't do this."

"Go." I say, my voice breaking. He wants to say something more, I can see it on his face, so I open the door and whisper, "Please, go."

Tears are rolling down my cheeks as he slowly walks out. He stops in front of me, one foot already out of the room, and wipes a tear with his thumb. Then he leaves.

I close the door behind him, put my hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs, because this hurt like almost nothing before.

We didn't even get a beggining, when it was already our the end.

A/N: It ended! Well, for some time at least. Is it sadistic that I actually enjoyed writing this?

Excited to write, Lazyonthebalcony

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